Ultimate Arm, Bionic Arm. UMvC3 Spencer Combo Thread

why don’t you just use the normal gx loop and rapid slash at the very end? i actually use duck’s modified version but I omit the H bcuz i find df.zip, df.zip, UVG to be very consistent. you can just do the normal gx loop (or duck’s version), into either 1) dash, jump cancel m grapple, j.s, f.zip, df.zip, uvg or 2) criss cross uvg (if in corner) into vergil rapid slash, smash dive, uvg.

Hi guys, just wanted to re-ask this question since I’m planning to play a Spencer Doom Dante team.

can you already do the various combo extenders on the first page? that would be a good start.

Can anyone explain how to do the armor piecer after uvg. I been trying to do this what seem like forever

I doesn’t work on every character

I made a list at some point, but really, it works on Wolverine, try it on him and then try it other people with the same timing and if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t

The midscreen to corner combo’s have smiley faces as some of the notations.

Just a heads up.

Oh, thanks. Fixed now.

Anyone have a good Midscreen ToD w/ Vergil assist? trying to find the most optimal way to use rapid slash assist in combos. Is it even necessary to dhc into spiral swords?

some more testing on HSD may be needed for higher numbered combos, but for those who use spencer and nova and happen to use this corner ender after a wall bounce has been used…

call nova assist b, TK j.:h:, :df: zip, :d: zip, :qcf::s:

you can sneak in a :h: just before the :qcf::s:.

ive also very rarely landed an UVG after the :d: zip.

I’m learning Spencer (and UMVC3 for that matter) and I just wanted to know if the combos in the first post were up-to-date or not. I need to know what combos and basic BnBs to get down. Thanks!

having some trouble with characters falling out of the zip loop, feel like they’re getting too low.

does anyone have any spencer vids that you can hear the button presses of a player? I tend to do things rhythmically, thanks!

I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this corner combo variation, but I think its pretty decent. For smaller characters, you won’t be able to do the second jcc :s: to UVG. But you can still get out the UVG by just going :m::h::qcf::h:~:l:. But for characters like Rocket Raccoon you’ll have to omit the second UVG for a :qcf::l:~:l:. Hopefully this doesn’t look too cluttered…

:d::l::d::m::d::h::uf:+:s:+:atk:, falling :m: |> :h: ( :s: jcc) :qcf::h:~:l: tk :qcf::s:, :m::h:( :s:jcc) :qcf::h:~:l: :qcf::atk::atk: tk :qcf::h: :df:+:s:+:atk:, :db:+:s:+:atk:, :qcf::h:~:l: :qcf::atk::atk: tk :qcf::h: - around 1.05 million damage solo with 2 meters. (Note: the zig zag ender doesn’t work for all of the cast)

If you use doom on your team with missiles, you can input the assist call right after then second UVG, and the overall damage becomes around 1.25-1.26million. Basically enough to kill anyone in the game with 2 meters. Other assists that give you 1 OTG will probably top out at around 1.2mill.

Also the beginning of the combo is just a typical hit confirm. You can confirm into this combo with whatever as long as you always confirm into the :d::h:.

I don’t have a video link, but I’d like to know which variation of the zip-loop are you performing? The one with :m::h::df:+:s:+:atk: :s: or the one with :m::h::s::df:+:s:+:atk:? I would say the latter is harder to perform and will often keep characters low. I’d recommend just doing the first one.

Uhhh for the Spencer “Zig zag” corner combo into :h: Wire Grapple, I do the two :df: :db: Ziplines but whenever I do the Wire Grapple Spencer pops out of the corner and hits the opponent away from the corner, making the Bionic Maneuvers Hyper impossible to hit. I don’t know why this is happening, am I hitting the ziplines too slowly?

I’m not 100% sure, but I believe that problem is you are hitting the first zipline too late. Try to hit it as Spencer is finishing that backflip after the :h: grapple.

Edit: On a side note…I think I may have played you recently on xbox live. I faced a Jocelot who was using a Spencer. My gamertag being BballAbyss. I think that was the first and only time I hit the Spencer loop online haha.

Ohh was your team Spencer Hawkeye Doom in all black?

Yeah that’s me. I’ve only started playing online yesterday so the lag on the inputs is really messing me up. You should add me though, wouldn’t mind getting some games in some time.

Ehh as you noticed dude I’m really not too good despite being online a lot. I’d only really be a punching bag to your team.

I’m using the former, and I got it to “click” somehow fine, all good. Only problem is the corner finisher after the last TK QCF H otg grapple. I’m assuming the knives zig-zag finisher is the optimal? 3 things happen, either they are just too high and the opponent flips behind spencer or the second zip whiffs or I do it correctly but I cross them up and bionic lancer comes out the opposite way. Any tips on getting this more consistent? or is there a more consistent ender I could use in the mean time?

You don’t need to do the zig zag finisher.

Backdash tk :m: grapple, j.(sj.):s:xx:s:+:atk:,:df::s:+:atk:,/ :qcf::h:~:l: is easier, does more damage, builds more meter and puts you right in the corner so you can do the missile extension more easily if you use Doom.

There’s no reason to the the zig zag finisher off any zip loop.

anyone know the notations for the jump loop?