That’s cool, I’m not bagging on anyone. I’m just seriously wondering if there’s anything more to him.
p.s. I already knew about the tag thing, but thanks :D.
That’s cool, I’m not bagging on anyone. I’m just seriously wondering if there’s anything more to him.
p.s. I already knew about the tag thing, but thanks :D.
Dunno if this has ever been brought up (though I imagine it wouldn’t be that surprising if you thought about it) but Spencer can raw tag in teammates after an L followup and most characters can continue a combo afterwards. Only thing is I haven’t really found a purpose for this beyond having Frank pop in for a snapshot since Spencer hits so hard…
Man, I want to say “thanks for never mentioning it then” but then I’ve also known about it for a long time without ever mentioning it, so
But you could at least not throw around that smug grin ):
THANKS for clarifying that, I can say that is a lot more consistent now by doing j.M j.H zip df zip df s.H, although sometimes if you do it too fast u cross urself up :S. I feel the other loop works better on certain chars than this one… and what I meant by the corner was when they were out of the corner and u cant land bionic bomber after the first grapple in the usual combo. But the way you notated it, they air tech b4 the st.H after bionic bomber… you have to leave out the s.S x UVG and instead just do st.H x UVG.
This might be of interest to you guys, it’s an interview with GX:
Credit to Iron Boy for posting it in another thread
You are correct sir, I goofed .
Got a question about the 'G.X loop’
I’ve been trying to get the suggested variation mentioned over the last few pages of this thread. (The one that ends in the last rep with j.m j.h df zip df zip st.h xx w/e)
I’ve been having some inconsistency with the df zip df zip part, sometimes the 2nd zip whiffs because i’m too high. I tried to add some delay between the zips but then sometimes I end up too low for doing st.h on the ground consistently. Any suggestions?
I just do the last rep as j. j.:h: j.:s: :df:zip |> :qcf::h:, since the main part of the loop never fails to get them high enough. I already learned the harder zip loops, no sense throwing that away I think.
the loop that ends wiht df zip df zip actually works better (for me) by doing cr.H x uvg instead of s.H x uvg… works from tiny chars to huge chars…
I rather have ghe normal before the UVG so I can buffer the call for my assist to allow a second UVG. I have really hard time timing the assist call and do UVG straight off df zip.
Maybe if you have some tip for that I highly appreciate that !
Oh and by the way, what variation so you guys do on sentinal? The loop doesnt work very on him from my experience
Depends on which assist you use. You may be able to call it before the zip.
I use Vergil’s rapid slash
Adelheid Stark might be the only one, but I’m wondering if anyone has come across what appears to be a glitch with Spencer and Ammy. I was messing with Coldstar/Wire Grapple H follow up stuff. I noticed that if you reset the opponent with Wire Grapple H (to make them stand) and the Ammy’s cold star hits them, you can actually call ammy a second time during the combo as well as your other assist. I should have made a video a few months ago about it (I’m on summer break and don’t have my xbox with me). Anyway I am wondering if anyone has come across this or something similar.
Spencer (Piercer)/Iron Man (Unibeam)/Ammy (Cold Star)
the loop works on sent… if u do df zip df zip c.H
According to somebody in the infinite thread said this works for Spencers down TAC infinite: [TAC down] air 236+M, falling H(land), air forward zip x 2, falling S(land), [j.M, j.H, df zip, falling S(land)] x n
Wouldn’t the :s: cause a spike?
No, it doesn’t spike the opponent. I tried this out for about 20 mins on Tues. I wasn’t successful in my attempts but I’ll admit that I don’t know if I was doing it right. The opponent always tech out after the j.M. The two or three times I did get a full rep in they would tech immediately after the j.M in the second rep.
Ah ok, I’ll be honest, I haven’t had a chance to fire up the game in close to a week.
Man, why would I even make this video? You all clearly already know about everything in this video. This is the sort of video I’d make if I was updating the OP, but… Oh. You guys, am I updating the OP? I, I think I might be updating the OP…
i think a great spencer video to make would be one showcasing his various options on incoming opponents like his air juggles (they’re like gx but different) and command grab (especially his H one… I don’t use this enough). if anyone decides to make this, i’d love to see it