Yea Duck, I’ve already done that, it slightly alters the timing of the combo but definitely not a hard change.
If anything it makes the combo slightly more consistent because you can sort of visually measure the height of the opponent by timing the zips because I’ve been using that combo and more often than not the opponent ends up being too low and the up grapple misses.
As for the combo for Sirius Black, I’m 100% sure you can accommodate the :h: grapple, whether it be delaying a slant zip somewhere or subbing a button. Up to you if you wanna get the Up grapple.
Was just messing around with this, you can just do st.xx:qcf::h:~:l: and it will always connect after the second jump loop. This nets you 742,600 damage with maneuvers. The hardest part is properly spacing the otg grapple after frantically dashing across the screen.
So what is everybody doing for 3/4 screen to corner-ish combos? I have a lot of great combos for midscreen to corner and full corner to corner but i have a lot of issues with that range where you cant set up down forward zipline into any sort of followup because they’re either too high up when your zipline hits them or you cross under them or something to that effect
ive come up with like 800 different combos but they only function at very specific distances
Use jump loop combos. They function even better in the corner, and they carry about 3/4 of the stage. I don’t bother with air combos anymore, I go strictly for jump loops.
Shit, I meant to practice this just now. Also finally figured out how to get max damage on my corner combos, just have to pay attention to the hit confirms.
Eh, to be honest mid match if the combo I pick doesn’t work because of the location I just go for a reset or bionic arm into DHC. I’ve yet to try to use the jump loop combos in an actual match. But I’m confident enough in my characters’ neutral games that I don’t worry about getting max damage in all situations outside of the corner.
However, as said above the jump loop combos are best to learn, while being the easiest to drop (stupid timing on that ) because they are viable anywhere on the screen.
I’m doing the Launch, sj.M, DF zip, j.H, Up grapple.
If you have an OTG assist this can lead to a full corner to corner to push. Just Launch, sj.M, DF zip, j.H, Up grapple, do a full distance dash, call OTG assist, Dash again and Up grapple one more time after the otg picks them up. (I’m using wesker for this)
If you’re afraid of dropping the combo df zipline portion of the combo the best suggestion I could give is that its better to do the zip late rather than early (so that you zip towards your opponent and stop right in front of them rather than passing right under them completely). This way you can still do the falling j.H and when you land just nj Up/forward, j.H j.S. From here you can pick them up with an OTG grapple or otg assist or whatever.
But Id say you should keep working on the Launch, sj.M, DF zip, j.H, Up grapple setup in general. It does a ton of damage and with a little bit of practice and you’ll be surprised how consistent it is.
its not about consistency, its about the fact that there is a gigantic portion of the screen where you cant follow that up with anything meaningful unless you have an otg assist
And also the fact that the combo doesn’t work when you are 3/4 or more away from the side of the screen you zip to.
I use that combo when I am already in the corner, but outside of the corner I use jump loops. They are really consistent, fairly safe, corner carry, flexible with assist, flexible to be changed mid combo, and still deal a chunk of damage with the option of a reset.
How do you reliably hit st.M out of Bionic Bomber OTG? Is it a link and I’ve got gotta memorize timing, or is it spacing? Right now I’m doing launch, sj. MMH, DF zip, sj.S, land, TK Bomber, st.M, etc. Except the st.M seems to hit randomly (doing this on Nova, btw).
Same question with corner up grapples. I’ll LMHS and cancel just fine into Up grapple…except the little claw flies up right next to the dummy without grappling. Then, again, sometimes it’ll hit, and I can’t distinguish the difference.
Too much hit stun. Doing a zip mid combo adds a lot of hit stun/damage scaling. Generally you can only get bomber into M by doing very few hits in the air combo + not using crouch H as a hit confirm. After messing around with this recently to figure out what combos do most damage (with and without access to OTG assists) I found that in the corner doing c.L M H S -> delayed j.H -delayed j.S (you have to get used to the timing of these) -> bomber (before landing) -> MHS -> up grapple is the most reliable and most damaging combo starter without OTG. If you start the combo with a jumping H or S you have to drop the standing L (preferable) or H before launching in order for this same combo to work.
Aside from Sentinel, Hulk and maybe Nemesis a standard LMHS - Up grapple doesn’t work because the S pushes you away from the corner and thus from underneath your opponent. This is why the combo from 1 or more popularly the LMHS, j.H (pause) df-zip j.H up grapple methods are used to combo into it for high damage corner combos.
Has someone found the notations for that combo from spencer to taskmaster on the japanese marvel tournament? Builds 2 meters enough for Taskmaster to dhc in using aegis counter.
I think you’re confusing yourself. There is no point DHCing into aegis counter if the combo before it builds two meters (which as far as I know, no spencer combo worth doing does that) because hitstun and damage scaling will prevent you from doing anything useful. You are probably talking about a raw bionic arm DHC into Aegis counter to continue the combo. Or if you get a full screen grapple and do midscreen otg grapple into doing bionic arm DHC Aegis counter to continue the combo. In which case you do cr. :l: into shield skills ( :h:).
If you do overhead link into armor peircer and land a very meaty bionic arm you can go directly into shield skills.
Dude thanks a million for the quick reply. But then how is this video possible? At :14 he hits the M after Bomber with a full sj.MMHS series, then gets the MHS up grapple on Nova.
Well the Zips actually add little to no hit stun deterioration. To get that S.M after the bomber takes a bit of timing (I hit s.M much earlier than I originally thought I would have to so that spencer attacks right after he recovers). People tell me that the s.H afterwards is character specific (?) so I usually stick with bomber, s.m, launch Up grapple.
As for the launch, sj.M zip df j.H UWG setup, I know for sure it works in corner, and midscreen when you’re close to what I call the “pseudo wall”, but from what I remember it can also work when full screen as long as you adjust the timing a bit. I would try it out but I dont have a system or the game to test with lol, but I’ll ask Infrit as well (because I know he always goes for this setup too). The only times I wont go for the setup is a hit from air juggles or command grabs.
Also the launch, sj.M, zip d/f (done very late), j.H, land, normal j.H j.S, does work everywhere on the screen in any position. Doing it late will actually make spencer zip towards the opponent and stop in front of them in the air rather than going under.
Good shit at WNF. Only saw your matches against Combo and AndyOCR, but they were some pretty good wins.
As for the combo issue after watching the video the zip would be the only reason the M doesn’t connect. I know that with the sj H df zip H setup, the hit stun from the zipline makes you unable to link st. M if you do j. S, LMH or cr.L cr. M cr. H (or really any three hit series ending in crouching H) to hit confirm because they flip out. I guess cr. H does more deterioration. So I guess just try doing it without the zipline, though if you’re willing to sacrifice a little bit of meter build for more damage the fewer hits before the bomber the better.
Shit, that video above pointed me to Stark’s video about multiple bombers OTGing, I had no idea at all. Perfect tech for someone that wants to get more out Spencer combos without using assists. And what a great video Stark, great music, great voice over, love the style. Much easier to take in than the combo videos that are text screens followed by the combo.
Ziplines only add histun insofar as they take a few frames to animate, just like everything else in the game. Barring the first hit of a combo, the only consideration for hitstun is how long something takes to animate.
It’s been close to a year and most people still have no clue how hitstun works. :annoy: Shit is annoying, so much misinformation taken as fact.