looking to have some regular matches with some skilled uk/euro players as my friends offline are really bad and not much fun to play against
i mainly play with cody, bison and guile but mess around with others too
i am mediumish skilled i guess, can do things like fadc and a few link combos but dont have a clue about things like plinking and double tapping or option selects but i guess these will come with time/practice
my psn id is: scandalouz
i play most weekday evenings
Im not very good but I try to become better
Anyone willing to face me would be welcomed with open arms, especially if you concider yourself deacent or better.
Psn: Fredric85
Hey guys, feel free to add me if u want, i could do with some people to practice with. Only been playing SF4 & SSF4 for a few months, on and off. But got back into it now and trying to get better. I play ibuki and dudley, im just tryin to concentrate on them for now until i get better. So add me please because all my friends are all cod or fifa addicts lol so i have no one to practice with!!
PSN: awesome-pirate
Skill: Fluctuates between 2000PP and 3000PP
Location: UK
Connection: 50MB wired B-)
Characters: Blanka (main), Guile, Balrog, Ryu, Ken, Bison, Juri
I’m usually on after 11pm GMT. If anyone wants a fight then email me on ruggedandhandsome@gmail.com and it will send straight to my Blackberry and I’ll come on if I’m not already.