Thats a big ole maybe on the cheesy dip. I had a blowout on the way back from the paign last night/this morning. I gotta get the tire replaced. I think I may have hazard warranty on em still, so we shall see.
As far as that Oni vid…Old news my friend old news. BrOni, we in there. Bison and Broni. Like Snoop and Dr. Dre.
Hey everyone who is coming to the cookout tomorrow cooking out starts 5:30-6pm but people can show up around 2-3 or so if they want.
Meat and Bread is taken care of. We should have…more than enough burgers, brats and hotdogs. If people want to bring items like chips and soda that would be nice.
But real talk, for some reason…I dont like AE as much as I thought I would. All that hype and I dont even like the game.
O well its a new Street Fighter gotta play it, I guess.
Btw: With the exception of tonight, I’m free every night this week. I’d love to play some AE in-person if anyone is interested. Lemme know if you’re down! :tup: