UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

Thats a big ole maybe on the cheesy dip. I had a blowout on the way back from the paign last night/this morning. I gotta get the tire replaced. I think I may have hazard warranty on em still, so we shall see.

As far as that Oni vid…Old news my friend old news. BrOni, we in there. Bison and Broni. Like Snoop and Dr. Dre.

Hey everyone who is coming to the cookout tomorrow cooking out starts 5:30-6pm but people can show up around 2-3 or so if they want.

Meat and Bread is taken care of. We should have…more than enough burgers, brats and hotdogs. If people want to bring items like chips and soda that would be nice.

please bring chips because Im bringing dip.


someone please bring some tortilla chips, i might buy some regardless tomorrow

I just realized how shitty Marvel is

Thanks to everyone who came to the bbq/game night. It was hella fun. Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang Yang. RAISHIN… MAHAKEN!!!

I got your number, Brock. Better study up, cuz I’m comin’ for (and on) that tender twin booty… :wgrin:

So Mike…will the police make you or Oni fill out that registered sex offender paperwork?

If Oni’s all about sodomizing little boys then…I dont know if we can be friends anymore :frowning:

Now Chun or C Viper…Ill sodomize that all night! Juri…might like it too much.

Thanks for the food and games yesterday guys.

Man, bring that bitch on!

But real talk, for some reason…I dont like AE as much as I thought I would. All that hype and I dont even like the game.
O well its a new Street Fighter gotta play it, I guess.

Finally seen the light!!

Also, how many of you are going to EVO??? I’m down to room if someone has already booked a hotel.

Marvel is shitty because now people are gonna be using block buttons, phoenix all day etc etc.

Capcom needs to seriously look at the game because mvc3 can be an amazing game if they just fix a tiny couple things.

Wait… ***what!!! ***:wtf:

Marvel is shitty because of Wolverine, Phoenix, and x-factor

with pads and the new lolhitbox stick mvc3 has shitty programming so holding left and right blocks all cross ups

block button essentially and its possible to wire up

Omigod… That is seriously some bullshit. :bluu:

Yeah, I think I’ll be stickin’ to AE. Yun maybe a pain, but at least I can cross him up…sort of. lol

Btw: With the exception of tonight, I’m free every night this week. I’d love to play some AE in-person if anyone is interested. Lemme know if you’re down! :tup:

I am alright with not playing marvel

Yeah… Honestly, me too.