UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

If Dan doesn’t host, I’ll probably host.

Im down tonight!
Got a PS3 setup with MK9 and SFAE (patch) not extra characters )

Im hosting in Normal. Now everyone get in a couple cars and come here.

Lots of room. Cats. Fun!


is anyone going to zenblasters on saturday


Now I have to go.

Hmmm…Normal is a bit too far for me to make it out this time. Low on gas and don’t get paid til next Friday. I live in Danville so it would be impractical for anyone to give me a ride as I think you all are west of me. I must say meeting you guys last time really opened up my thinking and re-inspired me to get better. Now it’s just a matter of dropping bad habits and getting my hands to catch up with my brain. Practice practice practice.

BTW my XBL gamertag is InstntHellMurdr
Add me if you care to drop some knowledge, I could use it.

So… Games? This happening, err…what? I only ask because it’s already 6:00. lol

Like I said, if a couple people wanna drop by my place it’s small, but I can get a couple set ups going.

Im there Mike. i can meet you at work and take the bus with you to ur place. 8pm right?

Where do you live, Mike?

1003 S. Smith Rd. Urbana.

Gimme a call, my number is (217) 552 - 7346.

I do want yall to come to my house sometime. I got tons of room here and people can stay the night etc etc.

Maybe a weekend extravaganza.

I’m hosting tomorrow if yall wanna come

Blanka better be in SFxT. There is already Guile, Ken, Ryu, Chun, Dhalsim, Honda, Gief. Plus, Blanka is all over the backgrounds of the game too. I’m like 98% sure he is in there.

Those of you that have my number, contact me about a special event this Sunday.

wait if someone is hosting this sunday then…

I said special event… Maybe that includes games, maybe it doesn’t…

Whatever sunday is Ill come.

Cant come tonight, friends birthday extravanganza so I’m going to be IFD tonight.

also check out the number one favorited comment on this video:


Hey, so like I moved to Champaign about a month ago and I’ve been trying to form something that resembles a social life. Anybody from this area?

Pills I think I left my phone in your car. Can I come pick it up today?

Hi. Quickly letting everyone know that the next official Windy City Showdown tournament at Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield will be on October 27th.

Forum thread here: [Oct 27, 2011] GGA's Windy City Showdown Tournament, Battle 3 (Brookfield, IL)

Carry on.

@excel most of us are