Thanks for hosting, Musa! Great times were had by all!! :woot:
Thanks to the new guys that came out; hopefully we’ll see you again!
Thanks for hosting, Musa! Great times were had by all!! :woot:
Thanks to the new guys that came out; hopefully we’ll see you again!
yes i agree with everything said above. great event great experience. thanks for hosting musa and i hope to see all you new guys again.
Thanks Musa for having this and being such a great host. Great time for my first one out. Will definitely try to make it out for next one!
im probably gonna host next weekend. exams r done by then woot
Thanks Musa
Fun Times™
Dennis is dead thanks to brock. He had a massive head wound that couldnt heal properly and he died while playing HON.
-__- can’t believe i missed this gathering. I so mad.
R.I.P. Yakloud… :sad:
We’re going to have a silent moment together in memory of Yakloud. Afterward we are going on a HON raiding party in dedication.
It was fun playing with everyone at the event. Getting bodied was exhilarating. Too bad exams are coming up; I want to start improving soon.
Props to Brock for making me lol (idk everyone’s names<->srk names)
I am James. I was playing Yun mainly in ssf4.
Glad to meet so many new fighting game players and hope to see the scene continue to grow now that I am finally done with school lol.
I’m Mike; I was using Oni and Guile.
I’m Dennis. I was bleeding profusely.
WOOO!!! I’m off at 4:00 today!! :woot:
Games tonight, anyone?? I don’t mind hosting if it’s only a couple people.
Hi everyone I’m Glenn, Mike’s friend from Volition… The NEW BLANKA PLAYER! and MK9 - NOOB SAIBOT player.
I’m new to the thread scene so bare with me. Who is everyone?
Fllexo - Mike
Big_Marcus - Big Marcus
humbag - James, with the SECURITY t-shirt
NinjaSpy - ?
pills - ?
oms 3 - ?
IdLikeSomePoundCake - ?
InstntHelMurdr - ?
Dialuppro - ?
and everyone else?
Tonloc - Antonio
You can catch me maining Guile all day, everyday fo life! :tup:
cool. Guile is one of my hardest match-ups >:(
NinjaSpy = that stupid asian kid who though he could bore you enough w/ ryu to win a game.
Dialuppro played ken mostly, i think. he’s the one who gave me a ride there. I guess he could introduce himself… nah.
Edit: volition, as in the video game company volition?
Double Edit: my name is Stephen in case anyone cared.
cool thx.
Yup. Im one of the QA testers there.
please state that you know me through UIUC SRK, or gaming together or something…I don’t accept people i don’t know
Hey Big Marcus, can you post the link of where you got your PS2 controller converter?