UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

I was walking through the park and found an old friend of mine!! Everyone say hi!!


I found better!

I hope he plays well. My only regret to him being in SFxT is that I would rather have had him in a normal fighter, not some dial-a-combo fighter. Oh well, I shouldn’t complain I guess…

Maybe he’ll end up being DLC for IV one day. Doubt it, but maybe.

well sfxt has changed more and more. I think it could end up being fairly deep but I really fear characters with the best light attacks might be amazing…

We still really know so little about the system. I think this game could be perfect for him with all his cool baton attack chains.

Yeah, the fact that an anti-air light attack could lead to some absurd combo is kinda scary. lol But like you said, we’ll see. I don’t care HOW bad or good he is, Rolento is officially my main. I’m thinking him and Guile atm. However, if Lars is in the game… Oh yeah. :wgrin:

I bet lars will make it.

Hugo/Gief team. Hilarity.

i hope they stop with the not-quite-comeback mechanic comeback mechanics

Yeah. I hope its more of a gimmick than an actual stupid comeback mechanic.


Anyway, whats the deal with this week? I am coming to champaign saturday for the Illini Game (night game) and will be coming early to tailgate and drink beer/eat fried chicken etc. Is Musa’s shindig still going on? Musa post up so final info buddy.

well if pandora mode kills you when it runs out then i guess thats not too bad

Yeah thats cool I guess. Wonder if you can activated it mid combo cause the character that activates it is the one who gets sacrificed.

If you can: do a combo, pandora, continue combo with 2nd character

that could be really good



me thinks someone just had an braingasm…he can’t control it

ironfist looks cool

virgil? yawn…

Time to help level each other up brotha! I’m so hype for this! :woot: :tup:

so is the gathering friday or saturday and whats the address ? i will be going from peoria thru bloomington on my way if anyone needs a ride.

L 2 Read peeps. he pushed it back to the 23rd like 3 pages back.


I swear the SRK front page is trying to give me a goddamn stroke! they just announced DoA 5! Hype times infinity.[/media]

Ryu Hyabusa FTW!!

3D fighters ftl. :wgrin:

everytime i look at the rolento picture with the corner of my eye, i keep seeing dhalsim~~