UIUC/Central IL 2016 Thread - IFD Land! Facebook group more active

I can haz bringz ps3 setup.

Because it’s the Bloodsport soundtrack!

I only have space in my bag for my console, so can someone bring an extra stick if we need?

you cant carry it in your gigantic arms?

…Oh yeaaaaah. :stuck_out_tongue:

Id rather not walk like half a mile holding my stick when I get back at night.

YES,I am hosting games this Saturday from 6-late. Please come out and support,you people basically have your own keystone 2 right here in il. ,if this shit was in cali or ny I would have a packed basement every saturday.How can the fgc be so booming right now and my spot be so dead? retarded.

man ive been wanting to come but i work late every saturday :frowning:

I am happy to announce to everyone not there yesterday that I made Mike change his main to Seth.

My Seth is GODLIKE

Poongko taught me himself

You should invest in a waffle maker. That’s sure to bring all the ladies to your place every Saturday.

I would like to go, as this is the first saturday in months that Im actually off work AND Zen is hosting.

Zen, your avatar is awesome haha

adam and I are gonna be there on sat, come get your game on

The reason its dead is because the people that do come makes up the FGC in this region of IL for the most part.

Rare chance I’ll make it tommorow seeing as I am home in Normal.

I would love to take you brock but I am not gonna drive all the way back to champaign then to peoria then back. =/

Thanks to the six of you who do show,i just feel like I’m letting you core group down because I can’t get you a variety of people to fight.I stay jeleous of Ohio and there scene.so I guess 6 is the scene,even though game sales at local retailers would say different.

You think if I went back to a public venue and hosted less games and charged money again that numbers would at least go back up to 13 people or so?also having all these different games has really divided our little crew and it sucks.at least everyone can agree on some third strike still…except me

Before marvel bryans house was packed and hype and champaign was kinda the spot.

well no one in champaign has a way to travel besides me and maybe patric

Happy 21st Birthday to the yakkest of the yak.
