U1 technics

hi its me again.
its all out for year of the oil! :slight_smile:

after watching bacillusbrains matches i once again hit the lab to sharp up my parry skills.
and also tick u1 skills.

so i wish to discuss my findings and hopefully helps.

To tick a block c.lk to u1 seems to be easier on 2012 for some reason… :wonder:
you can simply twist 720ish when you pressed c.lk and delay pressing ppp just when you recover.
it seems timing for pressing button is more graceful? dont know.

Now to check that we are definitely doing a c.lk > delay few frames > u1, set dummy to auto-block (meaning it will block after get 1 hit) or no block, as the frame for recovery on hit differs to on block.
You can still do the above mentioned twisting method but for me the more i do the more my hands gets epileptic and setup becomes inconsistent. This is due to the way i twist for 360 and i m sure alot of you are probably the same and not comfortable to twist 720s.

After trying different method of twisting technique, i found the best way to do this is as follows.
And players can actually adjust to their own direction of twist regardless :slight_smile:
so hopefully my 1hr in the lab just for this isnt spent uselessly!!!

so what you do is:
1. c.lk and start direction of your preferred :360: for ONCE and finishing back to :db: or :df:.
complete this before you are free to move from c.lk.
2. When you feel like you are around the time free from movement (after c.lk), you twist the way that you would normal do a ROCKET punish to a close up whiff dp from crouching position.

for me it looks like:
oiled :f::f: :db: lk, :hcb::ub::u: :db: tiny pause :hcb::ub: :u: 3p
-(first part is for DNC~c.lk)

note: 360 can be shortened using :hcf: or :hcb:, finishing with :ub: or :uf:.
this 7 input can start from any direction of your choice, and on the 7th input it is counted as a 360.
so for 720, all you need is 7 + 7 input.

So basically it becomes 2 moves separately, and it actually allow time (if you have fast brain reaction) for you to decide if you want to go for u1, rocket, or ex.rocket! just press either 1 punches or 2 punches or 3 punches!

This method will guarantee you of the tick timing, you can sometimes see yourself move forward or backward before the u1, depending on the way you twist. move forward before u1 is a great add to close up the distance if your ticked c.lk is on the edge of contact.

this has gotten me to twist less elliptically and high consistent landing it now!
hope this helps you too!


been experiment this alot in the last few days.
results been really good.
i recommend again! :slight_smile:

note this is basically a buffering technic, but instead of c.lk buffer 720, you only buffer the 1st 360 and and trying to react or make that delay for the 2nd 360 to come out as a tick ultra.
i can now sort of anticipate 2-3 x c.lk and react to distance for the last hit of it to see if u1 can reach. this is fun!

I’m sorry but I’m a total noob here…reading this wall of text does nothing for me. Any chance you have a video showing this off? I read that it actslike a buffer but I tried following those inputs and couldn’t get it to work properly.

m… to simplify here are the training mode exercise to understand the concept.

Set dummy to BLOCK ALL
-go next to dummy and perform c.lk (crouch light kick) and mesh 720 and press 3punches.
if you do it right and at the first available timing, you’ll see dummy blocks the c.lk, and then the grab ultra comes out but WHIFFed.

Set dummy to BLOCK ALL
-go next to dummy and perform c.lk, start to mesh 720, and press 3 punches slightly after 720.
if you do this right, you’ll see dummy blocks the c.lk and then the grab ultra comes out tad slower but successfully catches.

Set dummy to BLOCK ALL
-go next to dummy and perform c.lk, delay your start to mesh 720, and press 3 punches after.
if you do this right, you’ll see dummy blocks the c.lk, and EITHER you jumped OR ex-command grab (due to delay too much of the mesh 720), OR the Ultra comes out successfully.

Set dummy to BLOCK ALL
-go next to dummy and crouch defend from 1p or 2p side, so it should be either :db: or :df:.
ABLE to perform instant command-grab from defend position, normal or ex version.

Set dummy to BLOCK ALL
-go next to dummy and perform c.lk and mesh 1x 360 and back to your defending position of either :db: or :df:.
-once you get the timing of free-movement after the c.lk + 1x360, you then perform the instant command-grab exercise from 4 when you feel you are around the time of free movement, with 3 punches (for ultra).

After practicing these exercise, you’ll probably be either leaning toward the no.2 or no.5 technic for consistency.
and the no.5 technic is what this thread is about.

Beautiful, I’ll check this out tomorrow. Thanks for that help!