Two of the games most dificult moves to block

Simple : Hondas cross up Butt splash and Claws wall dive upon wake up.

For Giefers its even more difficult when facing Honda because the cross up splash almost always comes after an Ochio because it dizzies if it connects cleanly or even if you manage to trade something. Once in a while you can stuff the splash on the way up with a wake up punch Lariat HOLDING TOWARD HONDA but mostly it will just get stuffed itself or trade and you are still dizzy.

Apart from this, I swear sometimes I’m on the complete opposite side of Honda
and I hold AWAY and dum ass Gief will start walking right into Hondas ass.

I’m surprised you don’t hear a “ploop” sound and end up in Hondas belly:rofl:

But seriously ( no pun intended ) Does it have some weird cross up properties or what? It feels pretty random to me in favor of Honda.

Next there is Claws wake up trap. If he goes to either side its not as difficult but still not easy. Now what happens if it is timed super perfect meaty and it comes from STRAIGHT OVER YOU ( DOWN ) instead of from left or right. That feels like a complete guessing game with absolutely no skill to help out or give you a fighting
chance at least.

Gief can hold his own ON HIS FEET against Claw with kick lariat but one knock down against a good timing opponent can spell GGs. Best bet is the reversal wake up lariat in my opinion

All thoughts welcome and they don’t have to be from a Giefers point of view either.

Whore’s neckbreaker
Deejay and Dic’s crossup forwards

Those can be hard to block too.

Guile’s ambigous short cross up. It’s very difficult (IMO) to tell which side to block on.

Dic’s crossup fwd is ridiculous sometimes. Totally agreed.

are you talking about Hondas med splash (normal move) or his Down up smash? both do crossup. So i don’t want to comment on either until you tell me which one you are having trouble with.

Up down move. You put good posts up so I’m lookin forward to your thoughts especialy since you use one of my two enemies.


I mean down up move lol. I left it in for laughs =)

ahh yes i use this often and it works for free after any kind of oichio or after a close knock down or near a corner. a great trick to getting the proper range is this. Lets say honda knocks down any character with a buttsmash immediately do the F headbutt this will send you through the fallen character and stop you right next to the fallen character. just as you get your charge do the buttsmash again this will crossup your opp. one common mistake people do when trying to block a crossup is that they still are blocking down froward…instead of just forward. If that is not the case then perhaps he is not crossing you up at the time. Just b/c its directly above your head does not mean its a CU. I think that this might have to do more with Gief than with Honda.

O Hawk splash is ridiculous and leads to auto dizzy which = death

No, he can’t. Claw easily beats Gief even if he never walldives.

You can try any time you like :looney:

If you are able to record we can post it here :looney:


I retract my statement. Its a hard match. maybe i shoulda phrased it as kick lariate is his best weapon against claw.

double edit

Forgot to say Evil Samurai is right