This thread’s intended function is to share, discuss, and answer any questions about combos, strategies and mechanics regarding Felicia’s Kitty Helper hyper. In this thread, I will cover some of the basics to get you started on understanding how this hyper works and how to use it’s unique properties effectively. This is not a straight-up strategy guide on the general moveset or how to play, however, so if you are looking for those things please use the other threads on this forum.
This section is intended to familiarize everyone with the notations and terminology that may be used in this post. Check out the tabs if you’re unfamiliar with the lingo or information that is being used, or just read them anyway; you may learn something new.
[details=Spoiler]My Notation: I will be using emotes, for I believe that shapes and colors assist in memory and recognition, and I want this to be as easy and inviting as possible. A few things to remember:
:l:- Light Attack
- Medium Attack
:h:- Heavy Attack
:s:- Special Button
:a1:- Assist Button 1
:a2:- Assist Button 2
:atk:- Any Attack Button
:atk::atk:- Any Two Attack Buttons
-All aerial moves at normal jump height will be prefixed with the letter j.
-All aerial moves at super jump height will be prefixed with the letters sj.
-All crouching moves will be prefixed with the letter c.
-All standing moves will have no prefix.
-[ALTO] will indicate a hit from Felicia’s Kitty Helper hyper.
-[DASH] will indicate a command dash.
-[BDSH] will indicate a command backdash.
-[ADF] will indicate a forward airdash.
-[ADUF] will indicate an up-forward airdash.
-[ADU] will indicate an up airdash.
-[ADUB] will indicate an up-back airdash.
-[ADB] will indicate a backward airdash.
-[ADDB] will indicate a down-back airdash.
-[ADD] will indicate a downward airdash.
-[ADDF] will indicate a down-forward airdash.
-A jump-cancel or super jump-cancel will be be indicated by jc.
-Directions in brackets will indicate a charged directional input.
-Numbers in parentheses will be the number of hits used for a mulit-hit normal (:h:(3) means to let all three hits of :h: hit).
Numpad Notation: Look at your keyboard’s numerical pad. Pretend it’s a d-pad on a controller. Those numbers are now directions assuming you’re facing right. Down-Back = 1, Down = 2, Down-Forward = 3, Forward = 6, Up-Forward = 9, Up = 8, Up-Back = 7, Back = 4[/details]
Frame Data
[details=Spoiler]Frame Data
| Command | Hit | Damage | Meter Gain | Startup | Active | Recovery | Hit Adv | Block Adv | Notes |
| L | 1 | 35k | 260 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 0 | -2 | Rapid Fire; Self Chain-able |
| M | 1 | 55k | 440 | 7 | 3 | 16 | -3 | -3 | -- |
| H | 3 | 77.1k | 720 | 10 | 12 | 17 | 0 | -2 | -- |
| c.L | 1 | 44k | 352 | 5 | 2 | 11 | 0 | -2 | Low Attack; Rapid Fire; Self Chain-able |
| c.M | 1 | 53k | 424 | 7 | 3 | 18 | -5 | -5 | -- |
| c.H | 1 | 65k | 520 | 10 | 4 | 26 | -- | -9 | Low Attack; Causes KD |
| S | 1 | 70k | 560 | 8 | 5 | 23 | -- | -7 | Launcher |
| j.L | 1 | 45k | 360 | 5 | 3 | 19 | +10 | +8 | Overhead |
| j.M | 1 | 55k | 440 | 8 | 4 | 29 | +18 | +14 | Overhead |
| j.H | 1 | 70k | 560 | 8 | 5 | 23 | +16 | +15 | Overhead |
| j.S | 1 | 70k | 560 | 9 | 4 | 33 | +15 | +13 | Overhead; Causes HKD if used in launcher combo |
| Up TAC | 1 | 53k | 424 | 3 | 3 |Until Land| -- | -- | Overhead; Tags in next character; Damage Boost |
| Side TAC| 1 | 37k | 216 | 8 | 4 |Until Land| -- | -- | Overhead; Tags in next character; Wall Bounce |
| Down TAC| 1 | 53k | 424 + 10k | 9 | 6 |Until Land| -- | -- | Overhead; Tags in next character; Ground Bounce |
| 3 + M | 1 | 50k | 400 | 8 | 3 | 20 | -7 | -7 | Low Attack; OTG-capable; Jump Cancelable |
| 4 + H | 2 | 74k | 640 | 8 | 8 | 23 | -3 | -5 | -- |
| Wall [4]| - | -- | -- | 26 | -- | -- | -- | -- | Wall Cling; Normal Jump Only; 6 to jump, [4] to slide |
| Throws | Hit | Damage | Meter Gain | Startup | Active | Recovery | Hit Adv | Block Adv | Notes |
| 6 + H | 5~9 | 60~100k| 600~1000 | 1 | 1 | -- | -- | -- | Throw; Can be mashed for additional damage; HKD |
| 4 + H | 1 | 80k | 800 | 1 | 1 | -- | -- | -- | Throw; HKD |
| j.4/6+H | 1 | 80k | 800 | 1 | 1 | -- | -- | -- | Air Throw; HKD |
| Special | Hit | Damage | Meter Gain | Startup | Active | Recovery | Hit Adv | Block Adv | Notes |
| 236 + L | 1 | 50k | 400 | 5 | 20 | 16 | -32 | -32 | -- |
| 236 + M | 1 | 60k | 480 | 7 | 20 | 19 | -32 | -32 | -- |
| 236 + H | 1 | 70k | 560 | 9 | 20 | 22 | -32 | -32 | -- |
| > L | 1 | 40k | 320 | 7 | 4 | 19 | -- | -2 | During Rolling Buckler; Causes Soft KD |
| > M | 1 | 60k | 480 | 9 | 6 | 16 | -- | -4 | During Rolling Buckler; Low Attack; Causes Soft KD |
| > H | 3 |108.3k | 560 | 3 | 10 | 24 | -5 | -13 | During Rolling Buckler; Causes KD |
| 623 + L | 1 | 80k | 640 | 10 | 3 | 19 | +4 | +2 | Ignores HSD; Causes stagger on counter |
| 623 + M | 1 | 90k | 720 | 20 | 3 | 14 | +9 | +7 | Causes Ground Bounce on counter and when hit in mid-air |
| 623 + H | 1 | 100k | 800 | 25 | 3 | 23 | -- | -5 | Causes Ground Bounce |
| 421 + L | 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 | 3(15)7 | 11 | +8 | +4 | First hit causes KD |
| 421 + M | 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 | 3(15)9 | 10 | +10 | +6 | First hit causes KD |
| 421 + H | 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 | 3(15)11| 10 | +12 | +8 | First hit causes KD |
|j.421 + L| 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 |3(15)LND| 7 | -- | +7 |First hit causes KD; Last hit causes Ground Bounce in air|
|j.421 + M| 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 |3(15)LND| 7 | -- | +4 |First hit causes KD; Last hit causes Ground Bounce in air|
|j.421 + H| 3 | 101k | 920 | 7 |3(15)LND| 7 | -- | +10 |First hit causes KD; Last hit causes Ground Bounce in air|
|[4]6 + L | 2 | 62.5k | 520 | 8 | 8 | 14 | +4 | +2 | OTG-capable; Each projectile has 3 low durability points|
|[4]6 + M | 3 | 82.7k | 720 | 12 | 13 | 14 | +5 | +2 | OTG-capable; Each projectile has 3 low durability points|
|[4]6 + H | 5 |115.8k | 1120 | 16 | 23 | 21 | +8 | +6 | OTG-capable; Each projectile has 3 low durability points|
|63214 + L| 7 | 102k | 1020 | 5 | 1 | 25 | -- | -- | Throw; HKD |
|63214 + M| 10 | 126k | 1260 | 3 | 1 | 27 | -- | -- | Throw; HKD |
|63214 + H| 13 | 156k | 1560 | 1 | 2 | 28 | -- | -- | THrow; HKD |
| 22 +[H] | - | -- | 40/frame | 12 | -- | 4 | -- | -- | Charges hyper meter |
| ATK + S | - | -- | -- | 5 | 30 | 15 | -- | -- | Invincible between frames 6 - 35; Not hyper cancelable |
| Hyper | Hit | Damage | Meter Used | Startup | Active | Recovery | Hit Adv | Block Adv | Notes |
|236+ATKx2|12-23|246-290k| Level 1 | 8+1 | 27 | 19 | +7 | -26 | Frames 9 - 16 invincible; Causes KD; Mashable |
|623+ATKx2| - | 25k/hit| Level 1 | 10+1 | -- | 20 | -- | -- | Summons Alto for 600 frames; Cat attack is an overhead |
|214+ATKx2|30-73|400-443k| Level 3 | 4+16 | 7 | 71 | -- | -59 | 59 frames invinc.; Mashable ;[M]/[H] to change distance |
| Assists | Hit | Damage | Meter Gain | Startup | Active | Recovery A1/A2 | Notes |
| Alpha | 2 | 75k | 640 | 35 | 15(8)6 | 111/81 |Rolling Buckler M > Slide; 1st hit causes Soft KD when in air; 2nd is Low|
| Beta | 3 | 81.3k | 720 | 42 | 12 | 118/88 |Sand Splash M; OTG-capable; Each projectile has 3 low durability points |
| Gamma | 1 | 90k | 720 | 50 | 3 | 113/93 |Cat Spike M; Causes ground bounce on counter and when hit in mid-air |
Imperative Moves
[details=Spoiler]Imperative Moves
Toy Touch - :df:+:m: - Low attack, OTG-capable, jump-cancelable, not special or hyper cancelable.
Kitty Slash - +:h: - 2 hit command normal. Useful for kara-cancels due to how far it moves her hit box forward.
Rolling Buckler - :qcf:+:atk: - Rolling special where the start-up, damage, and distance traveled is determined by the strength of attack used. :l: starts up the fastest, deals the least damage and travels the shortest distance while :h: starts up the slowest, deals the most damage and travels the furthest. While Rolling Buckler may be followed up with one of three specials, all follow ups (and especially no follow up) are punishable on block.
Neko Punch - (During Rolling Buckler) :l: - Causes soft knockdown. “Safest” follow up from Rolling Buckler (but still throw punishable).
Rolling Slide - (During Rolling Buckler) - Slowest follow up from Rolling Buckler, low attack, causes soft knockdown.
Rolling Uppercut - (During Rolling Buckler) :h: - Fastest follow up from Rolling Buckler, can be used as anti-air, generally not very useful due to the lack of invincibility and the inability to combo afterwards.
Cat Spike L - :dp:+:l: - Ignores hitstun decay, staggers on counter hit.
Cat Spike M - :dp:+:m: - Causes ground bounce on counter hit and against aerial opponents.
Cat Spike H - :dp:+:h: - Causes ground bounce. This move is generally not very useful due to the slow start up and negative frame advantage after block.
Delta Kick - :rdp:+:atk: - Three hit dive kick. Strength used determines distance travelled.
Air Delta Kick - j.:rdp:+:atk: - Final hit causes ground bounce. Strength used determines distance travelled and height of the ground bounce. Final hit that causes the ground bounce will not come out if the second hit hits an assist, the point character must be hit for the final hit to come out.
Sand Splash - []:f:+:atk: - Projectile, OTG capable.
Hell Cat - :hcb:+:atk: - Command throw. Strength determines speed and range of the throw, :l: is the slowest (5 frame startup) and has the most range, :h: is the fastest (1 frame startup) and has the least range.
EX Charge - :d::d:+:h: - Charges hyper combo gauge.
Cat & Mouse - :atk:+:s: - Invincible starting on frame 6, but very punishable on recovery. Can cross up opponents, not hyper cancelable.
Dancing Flash - :qcf:+:atk::atk: - Felicia’s primary combo finisher, invincible for 8 frames after the flash; 4th-to-last hit causes soft knockdown.
Kitty Helper - :dp:+:atk::atk: - Felicia summons a helper (Alto) to assist her during battle for 600 frames. Pressing any attack button (but not assist buttons) will cause the kitten to perform an overhead body splash that can be used to create unguardable situations and increase Felicia’s overall effectiveness in the corner. Felicia can direct the kitten to attack as long as she is not in hit stun or block stun, including during special moves and at super jump height. Using advancing guard on the kitten’s attack has no effect on Felicia. Felicia can gain meter while in the Kitty Helper state, however the Kitty Helper attacks do NOT generate any meter at all. Kitty Helper attacks ignore hitstun decay. The Hyper will end when Felicia is tagged out, uses a hyper, uses a THC, uses a snapback, or the duration has passed.
Please Help Me! - :qcb:+:atk::atk: - Level 3 hyper combo, invincible for 59 frames. The hyper gives unscaled, mashable damage and you can change the distance it covers by holding down M or H. Is NOT XFCable.
Alpha - Rolling Buckler > Slide. 2 hits. 1st hit causes soft knockdown against aerial opponents, 2nd hit is a low attack.
Beta - Sand Splash. OTG-capable.
Gamma - Cat Spike M. Causes ground bounce on counter hit and against aerial opponents.
Combos Into Kitty Helper
Felicia’s Kitty Helper hyper has a great deal of startup before you are actually able to put pressure on the opponent, severely limiting the utility of the hyper during the neutral game. The setups below are samples of ways to combo into the hyper after scoring a hit.
With Assists
Combo 1 - Felicia (Rolling Buckler) / Iron Man (Unibeam) / Doom (Hidden Missles)
c.:l::h:(2):dp::l:, :l:
:h:(2)~:a1:~:dp::l::dp::atk::atk:, :h:(3)c.:h::s: jc j.
], :atk:(whiff), :f::l:, [ALTO], c.:h::s: jc j.
], :atk:(whiff), :f::l:, [ALTO], c.:h::s: jc j.:h::rdp::h:, :dp::l:, [ALTO], j.:s:(~:atk:), :df:
[ALTO] jc :qcf::l:(whiff) >
NOTE: Corner Only. Omit first c.M against Rocket Raccoon, Viewtiful Joe, and Shuma Gorath.
Resets Into Guard Break
As with any reset, there is a risk of the opponent escaping your setup and leaving you with a lost opportunity for damage and possibly in an unfavorable position altogether. That said, while the setups listed below are not entirely inescapable, they force situations on the opponent which can significantly limit defensive options and are very difficult to block outright.
Assisted Reset: This setup uses assists during the combo to activate the hyper and attempts to reset the opponent during an air or knockdown recovery to force an unblockable.
Combo 1 - Felicia (Rolling Buckler) / Doom (Plasma Beam) / Amaterasu (Cold Star)
c.:l::h:(2):dp::l:, :l:
:h:(2):qcf::h:>:m:, c.:l:
jc j.
:h::s:, :h:(3) c.:h::s: jc j.
], :a1:~:f::h:~:dp::atk::atk:, [DASH]~plink~[DASH], :s: jc j.:h::rdp::h:,
+:a2::qcf::l:(whiff)>:h:, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
NOTE: Omit first c.M against Rocket Raccoon, Viewtiful Joe, and Shuma Gorath.
Re-Stand: This type of reset is unique because it causes the opponent to enter a standing state before the unblockable.
Snapback: This setup can be powerful, as it takes away the opponent’s ability to use Crossover Counters as an escape option.
Setup 1
:df: jc :qcf::a1:/:a2:, :dp::atk::atk:, :a1:~:dp:
, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
NOTE: Works with Amaterasu (Cold Star), Firebrand (Hell Spitfire), and Hsien-ko (Senpu Bu).
DHC: These setups can be initiated in a variety of ways, only requiring a hard knockdown in the corner and a DHC into Kitty Helper from a persistent on-screen hyper such as Round Harvest or Stalking Flare.
[…] j.:l::l::h::s: j.:df::h::qcf::s:(1)~:qcf::atk::atk:, (wait for fire to finish), :dp::atk::atk:,
+:a1::qcf::l:(whiff)>:h:, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
Tron Bonne
[…] j.:h::s:, [BDSH]~:dp::atk::atk:, (wait for servbot to stop moving), :dp::atk::atk:, walk forward, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
[…] j.:h::s:, :qcb::atk::atk:, :dp::atk::atk:, walk forward, :a1:, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
[…] j. jc j.
:h::s:, :qcb::atk::atk:, (wait for Trish let go of scythe), :dp::atk::atk:, wait, walk forward, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
[…] j. jc j.:h::s:, :qcb::h::qcb::atk::atk:, :dp::atk::atk:, walk forward, :a2:, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
NOTE: This setup will require another assist to lock the opponent down.
[…] j.:h::s:, super jump~[ADDB], :qcb::atk::atk:, (wait for the flare to leave Dorm’s hand), :dp::atk::atk:, walk forward, :a1:, [DASH], (c.:l: + [ALTO])
Post Guard Break Combos
These are solo combos which can follow a simultaneous c.L and Alto “guard break” against a cornered opponent. These combos can be a little tricky to use as they can vary slightly based on the size of the opponent. Generally, Combo 1 will work against the entire cast without any problems. Some of the smaller characters, however, may require you to use Felicia’s :h:(1) instead of :h:(3) to continue the combo without any problems. Combos 2 and 3 introduce some trickier elements which will require you to be familiar with the juggle timing against smaller opponents and be fully aware of the hyper’s duration to get all hits to connect.
Combo 1 - ~536,900 damage (~731,900 w/ hyper)
(c.:l: + [ALTO]):h:(3)
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(3)
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(3)
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] c.:h::dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(1) c.:h::s: jc j.
:h::rdp::h:, :dp::l: [ALTO] j.:s:~[
] [BDSH] :f::h: [ALTO]
Combo 2 - ~578,700 damage (~773,300 w/ hyper)
(c.:l: + [ALTO]):h:(2) :dp:
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(3)
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] c.:h::dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(1) c.:h::dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(1) :s: jc j.
:h::rdp::h:, :dp::l: [ALTO] j.:s:(~:atk:), :df:
[ALTO] jc :qcf::l:(whiff) >
Combo 3 - ~601,200 damage (~796,200 w/ hyper)
(c.:l: + [ALTO]):h:(2) :dp:
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(3)
:h:(2) :dp::l: [ALTO] c.:h::dp::l: [ALTO] :h:(1) c.:h::dp::l: [ALTO] j.:h::rdp::l: [ALTO] :h:(1) :s: jc. j.:h::rdp::h:, :dp::l: [ALTO] j.:s:(~:atk:), :df:
[ALTO] jc :qcf::l:(whiff) >