EWGF is livvveeeee:
ShadowLogic Presents: Shadowloo Night Live - 3D Edition
Yuu & Nobi TTT2u Live on Saturday Afternoon
Needs a nico account to view though.****
Damn, didn’t know you had a SRK account son
Did Aris actually use an item move on stream? He mentioned trying it on ewgf but I must have missed it.
Didnt post anything cause of sf25th. will post archives instead.
TTT2 with Anakin aka Hoa
Lei breakdown
nyc fab training
Tekken at the Break
LOL if you didn’t catch this before, Aris vs Rip:
Chet, James, and some other guy.
Tekken on Levelup at super arcade
The Break #180
NycFab Stream
No mercy Fridays
nycfab stream
Michigan ranbats