I have seen a few people in some of the threads asking what certain letters and notations mean so I thought I would just create this thread so everyone has a place to look for them. I may have missed a few so if u notice any I have missed let me know and I will add them
1 - left punch
2 - right punch
**3 - **left kick
4 - right kick
5 - tag button
B! - bound
f - tap forward
d - tap down
b - tap back
u - tap up
F - hold forward (this is the same for any direction input a Capital will always mean hold)
d/f - down forward
d/b - down back
u/b - up back
u/f - up forward
qcf - quarter circle forward
qcb - quarter circle back
hcf - half circle forward
hcb - half circle back
WS - while standing
**iWS **- instant while standing
WR - while running
N - Neutral
SS - sidestep
SSR - sidestep right
SSL - sidestep left
FC - full crouch
BT - back turned
WD - Wave Dash
CD - Crouch Dash
CDC - crouch dash cancel
Lower case i - instant (example iWS = instant while standing)
, followed by
~ immediately after
+ at the same time
< delayed input