Trying to figure out the air combo

Every character’s got em, or else they’re would be no need for launchers on certain ones. So, It may seem lousy, but it works (jmpg. lp, lp, lp(comes out as a three hit,the third is the launcher)lp,lk,lk…Anybody got any other strategies to extend or improve this low powered A.C.?

he doesn’t have any high damage/long air combos. I just sj.lp, mp. his fierces dont end combos. I like to inferno xx HOD (qcf+KK) or darklightning xx HOD. Blackheart is all about locking them down

The best air combo possible is LP,LK,MP (airdash) LP,LK,MP,MK.

Since it’s hard midscreen (and also results in you dying from forced dash), it’s easier to drop the LKs (or the MPs) and end it with an airgrab.

I enjoy doing df FP, lp, lk, airdash, lp, airgrab or lp+FK

IIRC, doesnt bh’s mp/mk in an air combo knock the opponent down and cause the FS? i dont think that combo is possible.

i do know you can launch, sj.lp, lp, lp, air dash forward lp, lp, air throw. or mp, mk in the corner. i think thats as fancy his Air combos get.

and if you want to combo in the launcher is deep jump in lk, lk, land, oc.fp…

MK does, MP doesn’t.