Sick of Alex and Hugo (but still down with the Q), I decided to pick up Oro recently. Seems like a good character, but I’m having a major problem with him. It seems like in order to do good damage I need to be right up close to the opponent. I feel like I should be close enough to land close standing strong or even just forward/low forward, command grab, but the only time I can ever get close enough to do that is when I’ve knocked the opponent down, which rarely happens. Parrying attacks doesn’t seem that helpful because most of the time I’m still not close enough to land those attacks and I don’t have enough time to dash/walk in and do them. My best bet so far has been to jump in, try to parry an anti-air, and hope I still have enough time to land and then hit them. Am I focusing too much on this part of his game? Have I just not figured out how to do it properly yet?
Try focusing on your poking game. Depending on who you’re facing, you should use standing Roundhouse, far Forward and Strong, ducking Forward and Strong, and ducking Fierce. See the Normal Pokes section of Man of Gold to start you off. You can also run away with backdashes, superjumps, double jumps, and partitioned fireballs. Annoy your opponent so that he comes to you.
Just keeping playing and trying new things. You’ll get the hang of the old man.
What are “partitioned fireballs”?
Charge partitioning with dashes and backdashes.
My friend observed it in some tutorial video and tried to explain it to me, but i have neither seen it nor know how to perform it so could you briefly describe how to do it?
can someone tell me if an ex sa2 can still screw over gill during his seraphic wing?
No. Gill is invincible and the EX Yagyou won’t even be visible during the seraphic wing’s special background. When it’s all over, you’ll see the Yagyou finish seeping into the ground.
on a completely off note, is it impossible to practice Oro’s unblockables in practice mode without someone else actually controlling the opponent? I can’t seem to get any setups to work.
CPU training dummies can always block, even if the unblockable is perfectly timed. The only thing you can do by yourself is go into Parry Training, record the unblockable sequence, and try to block it yourself. Since the computer will parry anything you do while recording, you’ll have to dizzy it first with command grabs or neutral throws.
If you’re reading this Hung, fuck you for being so good with Oro. There’s always the next SBO man, FFA sticks suck, I dunno how you can do shit on that.
dam did they film hung in the sbo qualifiers?
sorry. I didnt really think I was that good. Hopefully next year I can make it. There is always evo too. Just keep practicing, you will know the matchups better.
Sweet, I’m getting the hang of him. Thanks!