Tron's matchups

I got to thinking, and does Tron have any positive matchups at all? Her best matchups would probably be Ryu or Chun, which is basically 5-5. But she suffers from some pretty bad 9-1 or 8-2 matchups against, say, Phoenix, Trish, Wesker, Akuma, Dormammu, Magneto, etc. Just wondering, is there any matchup in the game that actually favors Tron?

Cap, Haggar, & Hsien Ko are the only ones I can think of.

I’d sad that Cap and Haggar are both bad matchups for her, as well. Cap’s game usually involved throwing out his shield while fishing for a confirm, and she doesn’t have a solid way to get around that. Haggar’s pipe also shuts down a good deal of her offense. Hsien-Ko, yeah, I could see that one in Tron’s favor, I guess.

Tron vs Haggar is 8-2 in my opinion. Her better mobility coupled with shitty projectiles allows her to guard against Haggar very easily. You could easily outrun Haggar an entire match while chipping him. In the event that either one manages to land a clean hit on each other Tron has the edge with a slightly better damage potential.

Tron vs Cap is about 6-4. Gustaff Fire, Bandit Boulder.a.H(vs jumping shield slash), and Bonne Strike should be blowing through and type of Shield Slash shenanigans. Cap really needs assists or a lot of meter to consistently put out decent damage. Not having air mobility also makes him a pretty easy target.