HeY peeps IM kenmasters187 on xbl im a street fighter player with a t hawk main and balrog secondary. i went to evo and fell in love with marvel,but i am having difficulty with basic defense its alot different from street fighter tron is alot like thawk so thats why im maining her. i would love if someone would spar a bit with me online thanks for your time paaaaeeeccceeeeee!!

I’d help you out but im on PS3. :\

ahh mann thans man good luck servbottn

If I had Gold I’d help you out. But alas, I lack money. >_<

You need Tron to be your ex-wife?


Sorry, I was just being a smart guy about the title. I’m sure the OP wants a “sensei”, because “sensai” in JP means an ex-wife, among other things that don’t make sense in context to this thread.

Ok, I get it now. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i thought it was bad thanks for the support fellas

I’m down for a small session.

XBL/PSN: ChurroEmiliano

If you wanna get some matches in, I don’t mind either. My GT is K4np4

Oh, yo. I just remembered!
I got xbl gold again, so if you’re wanting help you can add me too.
GT: WigginsBabySlap