Transformers TV/Movie Thread - WAR FOR CYBERTRON: EARTHRISE (A Netflix Original) Streaming Dec 30!

It can’t be worse than the last one. Is it still Bay at the helm?


Ppl were actually SLIGHTLY excited when it wasn’t sure if Bay was gonna be back then he smashed through the TFs wall like the kool-aid man confirming he was coming back and ruining everyone’s dream.

I don’t think they thought this far ahead, but interesting . . . .

I thought people were lying, when they said the face of Optimus looks like a mechanical vagina…

Sometimes you need to let a franchise rest. Bring it back in another ten years or so.

You would think that, but …money

Bring Transformers into the MCU LOL.

I was crazy dissapointed whhen i heard Bay would be directing the 5th one. WTF.

Now, don’t get me wrong, i’m not one of those bay-haters, and can appreciate the recognition he has brought to my beloved franchise that rightfully deserved it. However, after all the time, it’s time for SOMEBODY ELSE to take the reigns.

We already seen Bay’s directing style, how he makes his characters, the jokes, how he crafts his story, etc, etc. There will be NOTHING new whatsoever. Just more of the same, that we’ve already seen the past 10 years.

Enough already. Let someone else tackle Transformers. Bay’s time has passed.

So Transformers is pulling a Marvel and about to launch a Hasbro Cinematic Universe which will include ROM Knight, G.I.Joe, Visionaries, Micronauts, and M.A.S.K.?

If Bay wasn’t at the helm, I would lose my shit in a good way. Let me ping @Million just in case he might be interested.

Its gonna be a colossal fucking mess too

Some Decepticon, who is perhaps rumored to be



If true


Official Casting announcement for Transformers: The Last Knight

Can’t think of who he would portray. It’d be awesome if he is a character voice, but I doubt it. Only other person I think it could be is


Dr. Arkeville

lol looks more like:


He’s Back. The only robot who is truly a robot in disguise.



i remember this one getting rekt by bumblebee in the first movie if i’m not mistaken. why would they bring it back?

Watch it be strongarm. Needs more robo chicks anyway.

Barricade got wounded, not killed in the 2007 movie. Also, even though he did die in Dark of the Moon, Galvatron/Megatron making a point of looking for his body and doing to Barricade what was done to him would make sense, seeing as how Barricade was fanatically loyal to Megs. An evil overlord can never have enough true believers on their side.

Never underestimate loyalty. Thing can get you far.

meh. i would rather they brought in another character instead of recycling a previous character. that’s just me though.

I guess it’s safe to say that this’ll won’t go well.
Here is an image of the new character Squeaks

Looks like a ridiculously out of touch attempt to create BB-8. Outside of Optimus Prime (minus the flames), who is the designer for these things? Only positive from this is it is a practical effect.