What Transformers were confirmed in the movie? …and what do they transform into?
None have been confirmed, and no one knows yet.
My alternators Optimus Prime shipped from Bigbadtoystore.com. Also, the comics that I won from ebay are on their way. Now, to wait for those and the rest of the posters that I ordered.
Alt Mirage is supposed to be out in May - maybe he will ship early as well.
Tracks Rap LMAO - http://powet.tv/index.php/2006/03/29/the-tracks-rap/
Check it out! Optimus/ultra magnus cgi - [media=youtube]AXOymInsHPY&feature=Views&page=1&t=t&f=b[/media]
I think I just shit my pants.
…yup, I just shit my own pants.
Nice. I recieved 1/2 of the things that I am expecting in today. Finally got to finish the first arc of the Transformers Dreamwave Vol 1 comics, and it’s a good finish (nearly 3 years after they first came out, lol).
You mean the first G1 series they put out? The six-parter? Man, I hated that series. 1 & 2 showed promise, and 3-6 through that completely out the window. Scale issues everywhere, no characterization at all, and a copout ending. Blech.
i started watching beast machines last night. so far…interesting. Im going into it with an open mind knowing all the hate that gets tossed around about it.
Got my Alt Prime today - he’s not bad at all!
… wait till you see the rumble alt…its just freaking awesome and he has piledrivers,… PILEDRIVES!!! and his a hasboro made one not bintech…
That’d be it. I saw this earlier and fell in love, more than likely the first alt. Im gonna purchase, I just hope his piledrivers flip around to expose regular arms.
Details and Concept images of the new Masterpiece Starscream
I know some of you must have seen these already, if not then here’s the link:
From the looks of it, this one will be freaking huge! They have illustrations of different facial expressions, and with his Decepticon crown so we may just be getting a Decepticon Leader Masterpiece Starscream. That would be too sweet if they included his shoulder pads and purple cape with it.
Also, here’s some interesting details about the upcoming movie, coming from that shithole called www.aintitcoolnews.com: http://aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23105
It’s too long to cut/paste but worth the time to read. I still don’t have very high of hopes but you never know. After all, I did like the Island. :wtf:
My MP Starscream is already pre ordered.
Im glad that MP-01 is getting another shipment, hopefully it will drop the price a bit. So damn expensive, and its just not worth getting the Hasbro one IMO.
I kinda’ doubt the prices will be any cheaper than what they were already. Unless Hasbro/Takara plans on re-releasing him in massive quantities, then I wouldn’t count on saving any money. Numerous target and Wal-Mart stores had to discount MP but that was almost 6 months ago.
I think the price quote for Prime was $99.
But yeah, I pre-ordered my Starscream when bigbadtoystore started taking preorders.
It looks possible that he has a smirking falceplate as well.
Shit yeah.
Mirage next month, Rumble, and this in September. Hee heee my wallet is going to be drained!
After reading the article about the movie: SCORPONOK is in this movie?
I mean, it’s obvious that Bumblebee will be the yellow beat-up car, but SCOPRONOK??? We haven’t even gotten close to Headmasters yet…
Then again, that’s assuming that Scorponok will be a Headmaster…
This is gonna be a must have!!!
Screamer is a logical choice since a Megatron masterpiece would raise some legal gun look a like problems.
looks hot
space bridge is nice touch