Thinking about leaving work early…
Lol I MIGHT. I know I took tomorrow off since my sister is visiting so we can just hang out. But that also gives me tonight for TF and tomorrow whooooooo
Nuff Said.
The fact that what I have been reading about that game is that is a more accessible version of Bayonetta gives me feels. I wonder if jump-cancelling is in there for good measure?
The game is wonderfully optimized on PC.
I got more of a budget PC and I’m running it at 1080p with max settings at a smooth 60 fps.
Thinking about the optimization…
Looking at the game I’m like: “Wow this looks amazing!” when in reality the graphics aren’t that great by any modern standard.
They just realized that this game would look like transformers G-1 with cheap graphics and cell-shading and that’s fucking wonderful.
Basically they made a great-looking game they can sell for 40 bucks because production didn’t cost that much and the game will age really well because the source material doesn’t look better than the game itself.
No wonder it runs great on my computer…
It’s using outdated technology and nobody even notices!
Fucking genius!
It seems Platinum gave us another Korra: quick, short, fun but with relatively shallow combat but this time charging 50 bucks instead of 20
It looks interesting, just like Korra did and I actually enjoyed it, but I’ll wait for a serious price drop, since I’m willing to pay the same 20 dollars I paid for Korra
You two niggas…
This game is made of magic and dreams… The first time I heard Megatron and Prime banter, then enter into high-octane combat, complete with mid-combo transformations, I KNEW we had finally made it…
…and this music… It’s like MGR and Guilty Gear had a baby and transported it back to the 80’s to save our souls.
Thank you, Based Platinum.
Goddammit, payday can’t come fast enough. This and DQ: Heroes = GGs weekend…
This game…I loveeeee this. It’s like MGR/Bayo and Anarchy Reigns rolled into one game, a METAL soundtrack, the classic cartoon feel with the OG voices…and it’s fast as fuck. Faster than MGR, Faster than Bayo…it’s like Vanquish when u hit those zen moments lol. Fucking love that it has Timed/Score encounters…and wat looks like a challenge/mission mode. Huge replay value incentive for me. Upgrade system, custom loadouts for the Transformers? This is pretty awesome so far.
Bumblebee is that nigga. Launch a nigga with a car attack then chase quick combo and leapfrog over him and resume the ass whuppin. shiiiiit
I just got Grimlock… Motherfucker has a pile-driver attack, and another throw where he drags the enemy along the ground before slamming them back down.
I am crying tears of joy at this game’s combat and look.
Dude I’m just stating facts.
This game did not cost them much in terms of production and it’s still fucking amazing.
Shows that you can still do something incredibly fun with visual longevity without investing $80 million.
Oh @“po pimpus” , please, never change!
I’ll get back to this topic once the price drops and I have the game
You can sum up this game calling it “Bayonetta Lite”
I enjoyed it. It took me a loooooooooooooong time to grasp the controls. The R1 for transformation just felt weird in its use for a good bit of the game. It wasn’t until about Chapter 5 that I felt confident in the controls. I tried to change them to a more Bayonetta-esque layout, but my brain had hard times switching back. While I enjoy the combat for the most part, it doesn’t feel as “refined” as some of the other titles. It feels a little loose and the dodge timing just seems a bit off. Still Platinum delivers incredible boss battles that just make you feel like it’s your fault for losing. The first time I fought Megatron was a soul crushing experience. You run into the wall, control better; you got shot, learn how to dodge; oh you want to rush a boss, EAT PLASMA. I felt it reflects poorly on my skill playing this because I feel this game is “easier” than some of the other titles (MGR and Bayonetta come to mind), but took me a longer to get used to it. Again, kudos to P*, because once you learn the rules and application, in game death is an option.
The music from this game . . . . . I need the Score ASAP. While I could have appreciated some old G1 tunes, this just makes you want to turn everything up to 11.
Despite my feeling that control wise it needs a small second pass at getting the feel right, Transformers Devastation is another great release from P*. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but has all of the pieces necessary to make it a solid title. Your expectations for this game should be similar to getting in a good workout in at the gym. You go in, you workout, you leave.
Yep my only grip was not hearing any stan bush classics. Im hoping the dlc will be great.
Been a while since I finished a game… And played straight through it again. The fight against…
Devastator and Menasor at the same goddamn time!
… was fucking amazing! Prime saying in an extremely calm voice “This will be a challenge.” while me having not upgraded any ranged weapon… My body wasn’t ready.
Can’t even fault the length of the game tbh. It’s just short enough to plow through the entire campaign in one sitting for some quick gameplay when I get some time to kill and that’s all I want.
Only real issue I got were those auto-revive items and the mid boss checkpoints. Really not a fan of those. I can always just sell those items if I want, but going to the Ark whenever I need to sell stuff just breaks the flow of the game for me. Still, minor gripes in a very solid package.
I legitimately hope we get the sequel they are teasing at the end.
Man you guys finished already? How long did you clock on it?
No BS playing, you can clock it at around 4-6 hours easy. It’s just super fun though.