Hello. I have the sudden burst of energy to learn more about this game so here I am in training mode. I would like to practice safe jump ins against a wake up move like Jago’s DP.
The problem is I can’t get the cpu to record a wakeup attack. I’ve tried to do a dp immediately after I back out of the record screen but after a hard knockdown there is delay. I also tired to recored a wake up DP when the cpu was just getting up but on replay it is a delay.
I’ve never been sure about how to discover safe jumps or what to do against wakeup options, but all the videos I’ve ever watched for option selects and safe jumps are done the exact opposite from what you are doing. They record the safe jump or option select from their character and not the wakeup from the other character.
So say I think I have a crossup that will stuff Jago’s DP on wakeup. I’ll record Orchid doing that setup and then play as Jago and try various things to beat it. Hope that helps out a bit.
I guess I might as well keep posting here to not clog up space on the forum.
Anyway, now I have developed a few Mix up’s, Resets, and Unbreakables and I want to transfer this skill to a real match. The problem I am having is actually doing it in a real match. The match seems to move to fast for my fingers. I understand with my head whats going on but I cant relay the message fast enough I guess.
To fix this problem should I keep playing online(my only choice) and grind it out, or go back to training mode and try to increase my technical skill there?
if you can consistently do the combo without much effort in training mode then online/multiplayer is the next step. Once you get a feel for fighting the different characters/styles online you will find your opportunities to use the combos/mix ups that you have taught yourself in training. It is a beautiful thing when it all comes together.