Training Bot Reversal

Just a quick question:

How do I get the training dummy to do an SRK reversal on wakeup?

I’ve tried starting the recording on wakeup, and doing the reversal myself and then playing it back, but it doesn’t seem to consistently repeat the reversal everytime I throw it and it’s getting back up. I’ve also tried making the bot execute SRKs indefinitely, right after one another, but it still doesn’t always reversal DP on wake-up.

Any sure-fire method to get the bot to reversal DP on wake-up in training?


EDIT: Sorry for the confusing thread title. I just realised how poorly written that is.

what I do is I record myself mashing down forward, down, down forward and punch then play it back and it seems to work well so mash dat shit, son!

Yeah, I think Monte’s got the right idea. Whenever I’m doing Shoryuken drills I usually just do repeated Shoryukens legit, but if you really want a good reversal drill to test blockstrings/links and such against, flooding the input buffer by mashing DPs might actually be more consistent to make the dummy try to bust your strings. I don’t have my copy in front of me to confirm this, though.

sigh SF4…

Just as you press Resume to go back to the training mode, just do a dp, then pause right away. then just put playback, ur dummy is gonna spam DP no matter what.

Just curious why you want to do reversal DPs on record, it’d probably be easier to record youself doing the action after a throw, and playing it back and doing the reversal yourself to check the timing or whatever you want to be done. That’s how i practice my safe jump, crossup and other wakeup type strategy that needs to be tested against a reversal. Doing it the way you want to would be awesome, but recording your own wake-up sequence and reversalling it is just easier than what you’re trying to accomplish.

Turns out Spab Rg was right. Inputting a DP command at the instant recording starts, and then instantly stopping the recording means the bot mashes out DP constantly, and hits a reversal wake-up DP almost eveytime.

Thanks a lot.

@Neber: Recording my own safe jump-ins doesn’t really help me get the instant feedback I need as to whether my timing is correct, since I’ll need to practice it over and over again to get it right. Your way seems a little convoluted, if you don’t mind me saying.

Turns out Spab Rg was right. Inputting a DP command at the instant recording starts, and then instantly stopping the recording means the bot mashes out DP constantly, and hits a reversal wake-up DP almost eveytime.

Thanks a lot.

@Neber: Recording my own safe jump-ins doesn’t really help me get the instant feedback I need as to whether my timing is correct, since I’ll need to practice it over and over again to get it right. Your way seems a little convoluted, if you don’t mind me saying.

Which characters are you using for safe jump training?

You can’t do that method for any charge characters, from a programming point of view it’s an ugly way to solve a simple loop. Doing Record & Playback is rather fun, helps you to get the timing through both the safe-jumper’s POV and the reversaller’s POV. You can also practice autocorrect dp timing for crossups and whatever else, it just has a wider range of uses, and once you’ve got the timing once, having it replay back to you does wonders imo.

However sPaB RoG’s method will help me to get my tatsu, fireball and other quickstand knockdowns practiced, it’s ashame that’s it’s so hard to get a method that works for everything, wtb the option “Reversal with DP/x ability after knockdown for dummies”, actually we should’ve suggested this for SSF4 if it wasn’t already.