"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

In Super Sako played mainly Cammy and Rose, Yang in AE and switched to Ibuki in 2012 (later leaving her completely for E.Ryu and Elena in Ultra). It’s not like he’s a particular fan of Ibuki, he just picks characters that look fun and not boring to him and are unexplored by the other players (as he said that a few times in the past). So I don’t think he will pick Ibuki just for the sake of playing her.

Havent seen any sako play in 5 :frowning: hes always the most fun to watch imo

You can reminisce here


This combo at 15:40, wow

I remember those instant kunai combos. Those were fun

Sako went with Chun so far which fits him since shes basically the heaviest execution character the game offers so far.

Ibuki looks like she’ll have a lot of quirky stuff and potential for execution so I’m sure he’ll at least side bae her for a while

R.I.P Tsumuji (1997-2016):

R.I.P Neckbreaker (1997-2016)

R.I.P Hien (1997-2016)

R.I.P Close Standing Round House (1997-2016)

Ya’ll were only 19 years old. You all died so young. Capcom will pay for this:

You seem to be forgetting close RH and hien ;-;

Post was edited to update the memorial.


It’s ok. You’re gonna live. All you need to do, is breath in and breath out. And technically neckbreaker isn’t out; it just got replaced by back throw.

Man just pop in 3rd or Ultra if you still need a damn tsuiji flip

Her movelist displayed @ E3: http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2016/jun/14/ibukis-street-fighter-5-move-listings/

Ground kunai is half circle? Yikes, I better practice properly. Everything else looks fine, although I’m not too sure about her cr.mp into target combo is gonna do much.

Side note, why is ibuki’s move so long and complicated? Half of them I can’t even pronounce without having to actually break apart the words, lol. It’s like a literal translation of the move into english.

Interesting, very much so.

A few things that caught my eye:

  • Nobusama, is that her glide? It has the inputs for it cut off, but judging by the context I think it is. Anyways, if it is, it says it can be used during a neutral jump as well. If so that drastically increased it’s utility – like a lot. Sure it can only be done at max height, but it means you’d have to respect Ibuki’s neutral jumps.

  • Am I missing the grounded kunai input? I only see the reload, unless they share an input.

  • LP-MK target in the air. I guess they thought going into a fierce was too strong. And I guess LK-MK target would be too strong for crossups. Regardless, I wonder if this hits fully in the air like the new HP-HK target does. Regardless, nice to have more targets than what we’ve seen.

I don’t think they actually have a photo of the ground kunai command. The hcb+k is her reload.

I think ground kunai is qcf+p. Then the multi kunai throw is just hold punch on ground or kick in air.

Every goddamn thing is half circle now.

Everything is terrible.

Why is crapcom such crap?

I reeeeeeeeeally want to play this character. Not now but “right” now. I’ve been watching a couple of SFV matches with her and I like the implications behind her game play. I also want to see what tricks Sako has up his sleeve with Ibuki (because I know he is going to have them, considering his reputation). I also look forward to mirror matches with those who visit this thread.

We all gotta do Ibuki Murrs when she launches. Mash ninja buttenz

Only one move is a half circle, and that’s reloading kunai.

Everything is good.

Y u mad? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Iburkit is mah favorutt charcturr. You wants to monee match?

Ill munny match any amount, pink slip, whatevur ill take yo carr cuzzz

Oh it was kunai hoju on the page like three times over.

Everything is not terrible, but I bet raida is half circle.

I’m mad.