"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

I’m also 100% sure Ibuki will be really comepetitive. More over she’s a rush character with mix-up abilities so for the FT2 in tournament this is really strong. (Like R.Mika/Ken)

Btw, I couldn’t find if she still had her close HK from the previous game ?

That’s gone. She doesn’t have it as a command normal so that pretty much 100 percent confirms it’s out.

As expected. Thank you !

As expected…that they remove 50%+ percent of her existing moveset :smiley:

Don’t worry, it’s just temporary amnesia.

…Until third strike.

Out with the old and busted, in with the new hotness. Just like how Evo throws away the old games for the new.

Looks like more footage is surfacing… Any combos with 2 bombs yet?

Oh, I agree, but my inherent ability to pick characters mid or lower is also a mighty power. Ibuki as a whole however, as I’ve said from the beginning, has a very solid mid-tier at lowest moveset. While they did change said moveset a lot, I don’t think they changed it enough to remove that comment of mine from old.

Despite thinking I’ll somehow curse this character with terrible frame data or something, I think save for that, she will be one of the stronger characters.

A moment of silence for the loss of one of my favorite normals in all of fighting games.

Got bombs do’h!

Waiting on all the E3 links. I’m hoping at least some actual street fighters went to E3 and can give us some solid Ibuki data.

In other ramblings: Raida’s range seems really far in this one, and if the start-up is decent, I wonder if it might be useful for catching extended hurtboxes on recovery, like say on Karin’s sweep or something. Also curious if it has throw priority or not. I didn’t use SFIV Ibuki, but I know it was changed to be a strike, how does that work in a trade situation? I would assume Raida would still win.

someone posted full generic ibuki story.
obvious spoilers but the story is bullshit so dont worry. its about boys again, duh

also, capcom pls http://i.imgur.com/etcrvK0.jpg
and who the fuck approved this piece of art? Brazzcom http://i.imgur.com/Ld10sR8.jpg

story costume is so terrible, her pouch is literally glued to her body http://i.imgur.com/vW1EurJ.jpg

No pouch physics

Pouch physics seem actually ok during the fight, they just forgot to add them in the intro scene.

Meh at her storyline. I still hate the dress

I love her JPN voice.

My thoughts on story mode, obvious spoiler warning:

[details=Spoiler] Wow, is it just me, or does Ibuki always get screwed over or trapped into doing stuff? That has to be some kind of running joke here.
“Party? Holy shez, lets go.”
(Moments later…)
“Lol, you got invited. Invited to sign a contract.”
“Da faq, I didn’t sign up for this!”

Ibuki is given the most comedic expressions in any story mode I’ve seen.
Don-chan drawing is cute!

Glad she’s getting along with Sakura well. I can tell ibuki’s gonna hate birdie, and that one pic, LOLOL, she gonna lay some serious beatdown.


It’s a beautiful relationship! Kappa

Oh, since this is after street fighter 4, Ibuki asked for some b o i z, and sakura, I think she suggested karin. Her expression when she finds them… Lolwut.

My final thoughts: Well, it felt to me like it was 50/50 with some filler and actual story mode. There’s no saying what she’s going to do yet, but hope for the best I suppose. It does hint she will encounter necali, fang, and dhalsim. It’s good to see her still the normal personality she has, because I really thought she grew up just a little bit, but I guess not much lol. Yea, there’s not much else to say other then her involvement in story mode.[/details]

Well I personally think her story was worth spoiling so ill just throw a quick thing or two

Im not surprised shes just in her whole naive phase still like Sakura. This is still before 3rd Strike and her new outfit and gameplay just screams trying to make her the young adventurous girl with much to learn.

Those guys she was hanging out with, they were basically Sugar Daddies. Ibuki really doesn’t GAF

Ibuki is gonna bang Urien, I can tell

…Please refrain from giving people idea’s.

She went from just normal boys, to older men.
…I think she’s getting desperate at this point. If this is Karin’s idea of a ‘present for ibuki’. Well… Well… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I had to double take like “oh these are OBVIOUSLY like Ibukis financial advisors or insurance agents or something”

Hopefully it won’t be Birdie



R.i.p my sanity.