"Train harder!" - Ibuki Street Fighter V Discussion

looks like SFV Ken’s illegitimate child

Got replaced by some jump that looks like Chun’s V-Skill, except Ibuki’s is much faster but doesn’t appear to have a hitbox.

I’m guessing light and medium command dashes are on the ground and heavy is in the air. Also no command jump, no neckbreaker. And can someone please figure out what the heck her v skill is? Is it the floating? Or the multiple kunais?

No Hien makes me sad

I’m guessing bombs are the V skill.

EDIT: Oops, it’s her V trigger.

Ibuki looks freaking awesome, I love her design and her super is OP.

Bombs are for sure v trigger, it has the activation animation and everything

bombs are v-trigger

Se ve bien.

LOL my friend from Japan called me to remind me about his wedding he was inviting me to and then I just randomly started screaming in the middle of the conversation. It was hilarious.

WE MADE IT! SJC kunais, s.HK and Bonshon Kick crush counter for 7 MOAR YEARS!

I love the new bomb trap thing she has and she looks for people who want a bit more of the anime and less just walking with buttons. Hopefully her buttons and walk speed are decent because that’s going to play a big part in possible siding or maining her long term.

Yeah, I checked the vid again and bombs are her V trigger. Maybe the knives are V skill then?

we do have neckbreaker, but no hein or tsumugi tho.
edit: Nvm they turned neckbreaker into her backthrow rip

Neckbreaker is her back throw lol

Omg her face is so ugly

Knives look so sick. I still wanna know how the float thing works cuz that’s probably meant to replace her command jump. She is so incredibly anime, I see bomb oki in my future

Watched the vid in slo-mo

-V Skill gives her enhanced Kunai ala Mika/Alex/Guile’s V Skills
-Neck breaker has been made into her back throw
-Keeps Radia, has some kind of anime palm attack
-f.HK is a CC
-Bombs are a V-Trigger; they are a delayed explosion that OTGs and extends combos
-Super is a low? Uses a slide animation

Very quick summary of what we’ve saw based on the trailer.
(Leave this up to @“DevilJin 01” , @Skiegh and other knowledable Ibuki players to arrange for a much better dissection).

  • Appears to have the majority of her target combos.
  • Retains her command dashes.
  • Jumping MK is a cross-up
  • Has a new technique (involving a small parachute) that will cause her to change the trajectory of her jump.
  • Kunai seem to have multiple uses: She can throw many of them at once and she even has a ground variation.
  • Has a variation of her Kunai that will set the opponent on fire.
  • Another Kunai variation where she tosses a volley of them at once. More than likely cause quite a bit of chip damage.
  • Retains air throw.
  • Suspecting that her EX Kazekiri (EX DP+K) is a reversal with invincibility properties.
  • f+HK is her CC
  • Has a new move that involves her reeling herself backwards and then releasing a blue-colored energy strike from her palm (could be related to Raida (hcb+P).
  • V-Reversal makes her create a puff of smoke while drawing forth a log to hurt the nearby opponent. A ninja technique.
  • V-Trigger has Ibuki utilizing bombs. Ibuki’s bombs appear to be utilized as combo extensions and for setting elaborate traps. Potentially useful on okizeme.
    _ Critical Art appears to start off with a seemingly quick low hitting slide attack. Appears to be a variation of Yoroi Doushi (SAII from 3S) but with a far more elaborate animation and different start up.

Nothing follows for now.

Interpreting it so far:

-LP,MP,HP target combo is confirmed, but the HP is now a different animation, something to reflect her normal heavy punch button. As I suspected in my long review, it’s a faster button similar to Laura’s HP.

-MP is linkable to LK, and LK is cancelable as suspected.

-Neckbreaker has been reduced to her backthrow animation, which seems perfectly fitting.

-6HK is her crush counter, though I wasn’t expecting it to launch, I’ll be honest.

-We do not see her launcher ONCE, which makes me concerned it is gone. Though we also do not see her back MP, both of which are her anti-air options, so I’m just assuming they were not included in the trailer.

-**V-trigger **seems to be the bomb. Pretty nice set-up and combo extension tool, which seems to even connect OTG. I suspect it is also a mode, that allows maybe one or two uses, as we see instances of her kunai having explosive effects, which may be a result of a hidden bar we’re not seeing.

-Kunai seems to be the V-skill, I assume this based on the fact we see her showcasing her Kunai at one point, which implies she maybe has to reload or something. The fact she is also throwing so many also implies she has a limited supply of them and needs to refill.

-Phasing/Ghosting is on her command dash.

-Her command dash now seems to have an EX version which goes very quickly or is normal or special cancelable.

-The move at :27 I suspect might be a different version of raida related to one of the buttons.

-Tsumuji is completely absent, perhaps removed entirely from her character to differentiate from characters with similar moves (nash).

-V-reversal is a substitution jutsu of sorts. Pretty standard affair looks like.

-Super jump is in, but it looks like it may be the result of a special move. At :51, after the bomb, you can see the Ibuki move forward before doing the Super jump, this tells me it is her command jump replacement, and it is a shoryuken motion.

-Most of her target combos seem to be returning.


Looks like @“DevilJin 01” is dropping Chun.