Nice! No doubt we are, man. Effin’ Nate lives Downtown, so does Josh and Dave lives between Cap Hill and the Central District.
That makes 6 of us (including my roomie) that live in the same area.
Nice! No doubt we are, man. Effin’ Nate lives Downtown, so does Josh and Dave lives between Cap Hill and the Central District.
That makes 6 of us (including my roomie) that live in the same area.
We still need a location, so suggestions would be helpful! If it will be someplace we have to rent out it’d better be cheap because that’ll keep overhead costs down! Or if someone volunteers their place then, awesome!
I have a ps2, sfac, a dc, and a copy of marvel.
I don’t have any sticks or a place to play. If someone needs either of the aforementioned items I’d be happy to donate it for the cause.
Also if we were to have a tourney I’d probably put up money just as an effort to keep the shit alive. If it brings a few people out of their hidey-holes then fine.
I have a PS2 with SFAC and CCC2 (ST) and a DC with a hell of a lot of games.
Willing to lend anything that is needed.
No idea where we could hold it at though.
In in Puyallup…
Great this is going VERY well so far, now all we need is a location! But so far we’re looking at maybe 4-5 Games with at LEAST 40+ bucks for 1st place on EACH one!!! This will only get higher the more people either donate or participate so this may even be able to attract BC and Portland maybe? lol. Well so far I’m looking at mid-March? probably a Saturday, what do you guys think?
So far, we’re looking at renting out a hotel conference room or something to accomodate (sp?) all the players I’m looking at March 24th for the date how does that sound? It would be looking to maybe $10-20 per person but that would cover the cost of the rental and also raise the prizes.
Interesting development…