TOURNAMENT - SSFIV, HDR, TvC, & Tekken 6 - July 24 La Crosse, WI - 100% Payout

they aint coming cuz theyre scared… jk but probably not cuz its far and theres no $1000 pot guarantee

^^^ haha pretty much thats the only reason why people went to that first one

Iowa isn’t to far, I can get there in about 25 minutes from La Crosse. We are 2-4 hours away from bigger cities there.

And syxx, isn’t the reason most people travel to tournaments far away because there is a big payout involved, don’t really get where you are going with that…

No, the other factor is getting to play good comp. Like munn3y is willing to go out there just to play HDR because nobody in milwaukee is on the same level as him and he is probably trying to find new people to beat on. He’s willing to spend the money to travel out there even if he doesn’t come out ahead. I kind of find it ironic that he walked out of there last time with the 2nd place prize since even though he’s not even bad at sf4 he doesn’t really play the game.

You guys think for the average joe that it is about the money… well it isn’t. Since only 3 people are actually gonna get money for showing up. If the only people who went to tournaments were the people who thought they could place in the money, you wouldn’t get half the people at these things that you could. The only draw for the larger pots is gonna be the top players coming from farther away.

I’m sure this event will be fine as far as numbers because you have the local crew and the MN players and whoever from the area is willing to go. It’s unfortunate that it collides with the next Milwaukee local but that’s just the way things go. I know the milwaukee guys really have no choice when it comes to the scheduling conflict but they are trying really hard to have one event per month which is really good for the scene, even though someone was willing to open their place up on a weekly basis there to have people come out and play, having regular events is also really helping the scene here out. If you had things more often and scheduled more in advance I’m sure you could get more than a couple Milwaukee players to make their way out there but things just didn’t work out this time.

Find a way for Milwaukee to get there in 1 - 2 hour please without getting any speeding tickets ;D

I’m thinking if we go, we’re gonna sleep over night. I was super tired last time and we didn’t get home til like 3:30am. Let me know asap if you’re going so I can plan accordingly. If not then I’m taking my mr2 which is a 2 seater otherwise if u go ill take the rx8

Yeah, I was super tired as well on the way back. I’m not really up to sleeping over night in La Crosse though, depending…

I think Jerry might want to go, and maybe some of the others, but I have to get in touch with them. If I don’t let you know what’s up, you can just assume I’m not coming then, and maybe will go to tracks instead since it’s a shorter ways. I’ll tell Yee my plans since I’ll probably be seeing him online/somewhere with Benni.

let me know… spending the night is a last resort but shit 3hrs is long after a long day of driving/gaming/driving back. This tournament is better than the tracks since its bigger and better competition. Idk its up to you but it’d be better to go to la crosse than tracks

I can call around and try to get you some hot rates for lodging if that’s desired… How many rooms should I look into?

You can find Hotels on hotwire for around $50 for the La Crosse/Onalaska area.

Looking forward to playing you MN people again in Super

so how many setups per game are you guys having. if this tournament runs smooth and quick then most likely we wont need a hotel. Please have a shit load of setups cuz i really dont want to spend the night there

Quick ?

Are you using the EVO moniters for everything? How do you even hook up a WII or Ps2 to them? I suggest using CRT tvs for TvC and 3s.

@ munn3yx

We have 16 EVO monitors to work with. Will be running 8 monitors for SSFIV. Up until 2:30 you will be able to practice on the 8 monitors. Should be finished in under 5 hours easily unless we have a huge turn out for this thing. We have 5 guys that are gonna help run the event.

@ humbag

Good call on that. There will most likely be CRT’s runnin for those games. Whatever we decide to use, there will be no lag.

is there much interest in TvC? I’ve got 2 setups unlocked, but I wonder if I need more…

probably not since it looks like the games gona be dying. should be more than enough

Should we toss in a little bonus pot towards SSFIV Beno?

ya let’s do it.

$100 bonus for 1st on SSF4.

Minnesota where you at?

Nice $100 dollar Bonus i’ll be there. Finally.

We have 8 PS3’s saved, did you guys want to play SSFIV & HDR on PS3’s now instead of 360’s?