We’re going to try and make this a tri-monthly regular tournament, with different games each time. Please come out!
Games ($10 each):
[LEFT]Super Street Fighter 4: AE 2012[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Street Fighter X Tekken
Prizes are divided up as follows:
30% of entry fee goes to AG
The rest goes to the pool
40% of each entry fee pays for whoever comes in first
20% of each entry fee pays for whoever comes in second
10% of each entry fee pays for whoever comes in third
Each game has its own prize pool
day of registration starts at 12 and ends at 2:30.
(we’re going to find out about pre-registrations soon)
First game is SFXT, then AE, then Marvel.
Double elimination bracket, and depending on the turnout we may have pools.
Make sure to check back for more info, as we will share more details as the date gets closer[/LEFT]