Tournament in Lancaster, PA 6-30-2013

Venue is 252 N. Queen Street Lancaster, PA.

The games will be SSF4 AE, UMVC3, Injustice, and CoD Black Ops 2. Evo Ruleset applies to the fighters, and the Black Ops 2 tourney will be single elimination in heats of 4, with the final heat determining 1-4 place. If the turnout isn’t super huge and overwhelming, we will also be doing teams for SSF4 and Marvel.

There is a $5 venue fee, and the entrance fee is $5 per tournament. Tournament start time will be 1pm, with registration opening at noon.

The venue is an old broadcasting studio that is now an art gallery/electronics repair place/local musician hangout. The venue is also BYOB, and is located a few blocks from the square, near an abundance of local eateries and other cool shops.

The proprietor of the establishment is looking for ways to generate traffic, and is open to the idea of a more regular tournament, depending on how this one goes, so hopefully some of the players in the central PA area can make it out.