Tough Sagat Matchups

Just looking for some good matchups to pratice with.

vega, sakura just to name two…

iono bout anyone else, but terry seems to fair pretty well against Sagat.

lol no way

RC Blanka
RC Ken

RC Ken? gimme a break, ken can’t threaten sagat’s footsie range at all… all sagat has to do is stay out of RC funky range and stand short all his haphazard attempts at zoning with

unfavorable matchups:
RC blanka
RC guile

even matchups:
RC sakura
RC honda (supposedly japanese think he’s a bad matchup for sagat)
RC vega
RC bison (sagat > bison, but the damage ratio can really go in bison’s favor)
RC rolento

everyone else is cake unless they’re combofiend or justin

Sagat st.fwd=terry Roll>Rising Tackle>Activate>Ouch

So this is why Terry beats Sagat? 'Cause his roll (112 [27/4R]) is almost as good as Sagat’s (112 [27/3R]) and rolling s.fwd=damage?

Most Sagat’s won’t use s.fwd at that range. s.LK is his poke of choice for that range. Tell your opponent to switch up.

I’d go so far to put in RC Iori into the mix for even matchups, though in the grand scheme of things this matchup isn’t likely to happen since Iori’s best as a battery and Sagat anchor. I can’t say for sure but I’ve stomped Sagat’s with Nakoruru before. Any top players do that on a regular? Almost an easy match for me.

doesn’t the groove change some match ups (like C Sagat and K Sagat)?



the matches I posted refer to C/N sagat, using K sagat, these even matchups move up to hard matchups for sagat:
RC sakura (A-sakura specifically)
RC honda (but not too much worse, sagat can now punish most headbutts, but has a harder time vs spammed hands)
rolento gets a bit more annoying since most of his offense is still safe after JDed, slides are now punishable, but sagat without airblock isn’t as foolproof

the matches vs chun, A-bison and cammy stay just about even still, but K sagat’s damage really puts the matches more even (note: these are all characters that rely on offense very safe against roll throughs)

RC vega puts K-sagat in worse position, his defense has to be top notch in this match to keep vega from gaining the life advantage and running away (FTW), but if vega gets hit with a super the match is almost over, kind of like a-vega vs a-bison, where bison is pretty much dominated in the footsies game, but one hit is all he needs to put vega away. further note: k-sagat can trade hits with R1 vega without even thinking about it, soon as you get raged, attack like a mongol rushing the wall, if you trade a few hits the round is over, and vega gets guardcrushed quickly. however, not being able to roll/counter RC ball attacks puts sagat in a shitty spot, like I said you defense needs to be tops.

RC guile and RC blanka can really put k-sagat in his place. without alpha counters, you gotta have an insane JDing sagat to control these matchups, the match vs RC hibiki IMO gets better, the extra level 3s you get puts hibiki into non-slashing zone mode, which you can put in your favor by trading raged fierces with her strongs. when you aren’t raged, you can JD slashes and punish most with far s.HP. I’d say this is a match that has lots of random potential, hibiki can either play it safe and you can stay in control of her, or she can play agressively and risk getting punished hard.

…i don’t think RC blanka gives K-Sagat problems…an a groove blanka with full meter gives him problems…because i mean what can blanka do differently in c or n against sagat…spam blanka balls?..the only thing you can’t do anything about is rc electricity …unless you jd it…i personally think sagat can exploit one of blanka’s main if only weakness the inability to stop a low jump Roundhouse…of course unless you get predictable with it

Honda doesn’t give sagat problems…how could he? spam hand slaps?..the reason i say honda isn’t that bad of a match up is because he can’t do what he wants…which is headbutt you to death…AA headbutt might be his best move but the jd definitely takes that away…i love watching sumo boy fly at me so i can jd and give him a cr. fierce for his troubles

other than that i pretty much agree with your list…hibiki is hard unless you make her panic her dash slash is too good unless you react to jd it

i think sakura rc…in any groove is bad for sagat…because of well…st. rh and her hurricane kick…unless you can jd it all…which is hard to time sometimes


Agreed with Sakura, hands down A-Groove wins out cleanly over N/C in terms of threat factor. Not only is the matchup naturally bad, shoshosho makes that shit stupid since we’re in K-Groove. Someone at the arcade I play at actually puts Sakura on user position even if he can’t use Sakura for shit, if only to cheese me out with shoshosho. The scrubbiness of it all = annoying.

Can’t really agree completely with RC Blanka though. I mean, RC Blanka gives anyone problems. His moveset is naturally good, and RC electricity makes many, many matchups stupid if the player doesn’t know what he’s doing. As for Blanka Balls, well, no one spams them in high levels of play, especially not against a groove where JD gives the player the option of punishing the move. lj RH is good, but it isn’t foolproof. On block, Blanka can always KKK away from you and you’re back to square one, half screen distance where Blanka has the upper hand because of the ability to stuff anything you throw out with RC.

Same deal with Honda. Spammed slaps aren’t laughable if they’re RC slaps and no one who knows what he’s doing will repeat the same thing over and over once the jig is up. (i.e. punished JD’d headbutts from long range)

RC’d slaps are hard to escape or jump out of it, even if you JD them honda’s still safe i believe…once he spams it u start blocking more and he goes up for 360s. so i don’t think honda doesn’t give K sagat problems. correct me if i am wrong

i think chun is sagats toughest match up overall.

sakura rapes K sagat, but against C/N sagat is pretty dead even.

hibiki might have a slight advantage against non low jump sagat, but sagat with low jump messes her up.

it seems to me that chun gives sagat a hard time no matter what groove hes in

hibiki naturally has the advantage over any sagat with or without low jump since its pretty much a no jump zone in this match up for sagat. he needs some random rolls inbetween hibiki’s poke strings or get a lucky timed JD on hibiki’s slash. even on the advantage hibiki can rush down with range. the match up on paper is on hibiki’s advantage but 1 slip and its really anyones game.

i don’t know man i don’t usually have a problem with honda …granted i’m not saying i play the best hondas i don’t usually even have to block hundred hands unless i didn’t jd the headbutt they usually use to get in and honda is usually squatting waiting for you…or hopping at u if he’s hopping you know rc hands are coming…if he’s rolling its either a headbutt or hands …don’t get me wrong if honda gets the tempo he can fuck anyone up but i think this match is like 6-4 sagats favor