Tougeki SBO 2011 - ST

thats really sick, the hawk team.

Crazy bunch of 360 specialists there.

Missing Jodim (is he in kanto area?), Mayakon, Inomata & K (or is Kakky K?)!

Wonder if we even have 5 top zangiefs and hawks each in the US.

This friday JST 13:00 = friday night at 7pm for west coast folks

hopefully gian will put stream link on

If ggpo is back on we can watch together ^^

Updated with the recent trio of events involving the MWC US spot, Gian Recital results pertaining to Tougeki SBO, and Mikado results. If we assume 32 teams and 1 last chance qualifier, then there still remains 1 more unrevealed qualifier as of now.

Another week, another set of results. The most competitive Kanto teams have made it through and now it’ll be a string of Chubu and Kinki/Kansai qualifiers for the next month. Bizarre fact is that there are still no Ryu players in any of the qualified teams.

Thats because fireballs suck, u can just jump over them

^ I missed your posts.

Somebody finally understands.

So many Fei Long players already! This is going to be interesting. Can’t wait to see Seki+ShootingD (two favorite ST players) in action.

Thanks for the updates Ganelon!!!

Glad to see everything collected into one thread that I can watch; keep the updates coming.

Niigata POPY’s ST qualifier was recorded and can be found here:

Unfortunately, it looks like KO-HATSU’s qualifier stream wasn’t recorded so I hope the folks I linked on GGPO (when SRK was down) enjoyed it.

They are on Kouhatsu’s channel, I believe. Oka has a fearful Fei Long, definitely.

Edit: LOL, ultra!

Why are you banned?

The Tsurumaki qualifier was recorded and can be found in 3 parts starting from here:

I can confirm with my own eyes. Team from TN is damdai/ohawk, rizz/dict, and immortal something(please forgive me it was hard to hear)/claw.

I wasn’t there, and I don’t know shit about what happened there, but I can only assume “immortal something” = Immortal BMW

Yeah, that’s him, representing from Indiana. Congratulations to damdai, immortal, and riz0ne for representing the US at Tougeki SBO in ST this year. I hope everyone will have as much fun as I did last year.

HELL yes! Immortal’s been due for awhile; way to go man! Congrats to the entire team!

Congratulations to Alabama Man for qualifying. For those who don’t know, he has a YouTube channel with a lot of interesting techniques and matchups:

Muteki is still on its own league, but this Guile is amazing: 07032011 qualifier. The last two matches are a must-see!

Wow, there’s lots of gold in his account. Those “preparation” (we’ve been calling them “built-in” or “installed”) videos are really nice, for instance. Some recent inclusions there, BTW.

Updated with Tougeki’s set date and location, which will again be at Tokyo Game Show. Also updated with the interesting new Euro qualifier process for ST.