I shed a tear every time someone from Kuroda Q Jigokuhen lost a match
I wished there was a video of the Club Sega Akihabara Qualifer.
Only 10 slots remained for Japs
- Inoue Japan failed in 2 straigt qualifier.
- Where’s Deshiken?
- Hope BM Jiro and Thanatos’s team will qualify later.
I’d love to seee footage of those matches
expecially the first set
Play Space Magical Qualifer: http://www.tougeki.com/prelim?id=9880
1st [The Large Reversal] Takami(CH), Takaoman(RY), ゆーすけ(YU)
2nd [Evil (Gaia)] ABE(UR), Wantaaren(YA), Saru(YU)
GAME41 Qualifier: https://twitter.com/game41_event/status/211783275499356160
1st Place: [Salmon Fire]Sakurada(AL), Zabi(GO), Neriume(UR)
TM(Q) x-○ kuroda(Q)
yeah i wanna see that match.
every year there’s always that one thread that brightens a 3s players heart and its ALWAYS this type of thread :tup:
I really, really want to see this match.
And I also really want to see YSB vs Kuroda.
I wanna see the entire damn thing!
Man, did anyone even try to record these Club Sega Akihabara Qualifer matches?!
most likely no. anyone that was there is concentrated on winning the tournament. it would be up to the workers and i dont believe ive seen much if anything come out of any club sega.
it really makes you appreciate what morikawa at versus does for us. along with the the guys at acho, leebros, tecmopia/bingo, newton…the list goes on. Its a thankless job that we all take for granted.
anyone got links to the channels/places that will be streaming future qualifiers / if the event itself will be streamed? thanks
just watched that, such good play…but poor tominaga ;_;
Indeed, we should be so thankful for the insane amount of video we get (and have gotten for a long time) from Japan. As a gushing fanboy of YSB, TM and Kuroda though, that would be a dream video for me, hah.
Ike / Genki / Genmitsushin (or whatever) just qualified moments ago!
Pierrot is easier to remember than Genmitsuxxxx.
so…kanto teams stealing spots in kansai and elsewhere…i predict a riot
saru or matsuda for the game space vegas quali ktx