TORYUKEN: Road To EVO Tournament - 05/19-20 (SFxT, UMvC3, SSFIV, SCV, MK, BBCSEX, KOF, & T6)

It depends on if its a full cord relacement or not though

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Calling for a Rolento Ban at TORYUKEN Immediately!!!

wow, that sucks for Rolento players…totally screwed up their strategy…

I was going to say…every Rolento player got fucked over with the update.


or you will have to ban rolento or cancel the tournament.

cancelling the tournament seems like a reasonable option


capcom did it as a counter pick for Ryu. so technically, Ryu got nerfed

Hold your horses peeps. I’ll get back to you about SFxT and what update we are using.


SFxT is a game that takes true skills and the most entertaining game

Uh you streaming Js Master vs Riceeta mm mirror match??

sfxt mm?

You should give the SFxT Stream time to SkullGirls.

or marvel teams


Are you going to TORYUKEN? Please read this to be prepared.


FUckin eh gotta miss this tournament because I have to supervise students who missed an exam. Yeah it ruins their weekend, but it ruined my weekend as well lol :frowning:

If I already pre-registered, I have to be there before 11am for Door Registration too?

Looks like I’m going to be running (with Zach?) Skullgirls at Toryuken.

Hopefully Zach and/or people playing casuals Saturday morning will know most of the players’ locations so that I/we can separate them when making the bracket. I only know to separate US players and the 2 other guys I’ve played with.

See everyone there! :slight_smile:


London is leaving right now; see you soon.