Toronto July Thread

yo stephen think if u got time u could whip me up another marvel AV of colossus mags or storm, Gerjay stole my sent one

Hmm I was told to go here for an avator request. I don’t know who to ask here, so I’ll just make a request:p .

To who ever this may concern is it too much to ask if I could get one of those avators, The character Alex from 3s? Or if not Alex Maybe Elena, either one is fine with me.

Thank you for your help, bye!

hmmm played some guy name henry few days ago here in shanghai… he said he plays at funland and uses SAII makoto…

does ne one noe him??

Arcade legend: check ur PM

Bry: i didn’t do the storm av, her sprites need more room to look good


Yeah my cousin ordered some package that does it. he got it off the net.

it allows you to play burnt games, imports, and burnt imports without a mod chip. Its like 40buck canadian after shipping n all that… i think.

Thers like a thin slip that you put in with a boot disc. then the thin slip allows you to open the cd drive without pushing the open button. then all you gotta do is take out the boot disc n then put in the burnt or import or burnt import game in and il will work.

its kinda like what they did with the ps1 and the pencil trick. but with this one it has a boot disc, so it works with a burnt game also.

****and js…that movie is fine…can you try to get me the movie called “the village” its new so might not be out yet but you never know over ther…thanks

thanks dragon for the hibki av ^^ i’ll get ya some ice cream but i got no freakin clue how you look in real life --;

Stephen respects on all those AV’s u been linkin me the colossus one is so tough

hey stephen…uve probably gotten like 1000 requests for t5 avs but i was wondering if i could get one with IM in it?thx

DirtyM **

Sniff, Sniff:( , these are beautifully well made. Thanks buddy!:cool:

here the link

Crayz Penguin:

lololol thats sick thx!!
its funny cuz my IM sux :lol:

Hey Any 3s players wanna make a 100$ bet ??

4 out of 7 tournament rules

tell me b4 i go so i can plan on having the money

He stands out at Orbit. I’m absolutely positive that you won’t miss him. Ice cream is good, patty is better.

have you tried it already? if so would you be able to get me one and i pay you at t5?

and stephen what the hell is that thing in your av lol

That’s Domokun

which movie is better

bourne or village. ahhhhhhh

wheres does it originate from game/manga/anime

ng lockii : are you going to orbit tomorrow (thursday) ? or friday? if so… what time?

kin : fierce punch! :smiley:

Yeah I’m dropping in there tomorrow around 3:00pm until it gets boring.