Toronto July Thread

thats awsome man thanks :smiley:

i am the most powerful person in dominoes.

here’s my log for today
-slept at 7:30am. Woke up at…i dont know.
-went to Mcdonalds with Wing
-came to my place so i could help wing make a fake hospital discharge paper because he told his boss his mom went to the hospital and thats why he didnt show up to work
-played cvs2 with wing when Ryan came over
-told Burton that i was going to meet up with him at orbit
-ordered a large pizza from pizza pizza which cost $16 and change with delivery
-cancelled the order.
-ordered the same pizza for pick up which cost like $5 less
-picked up pizza
-watched the last hour of You Got Served
-ryan tried to beat wing with every character in 3s before wing took a match
-met up with nagata lock at metro
-played cvs2 and 3s
-Doug showed up at Metro, didnt say hi to anyone
-Doug left 30 seconds later
-went to Midnight with AdamB, Nagata, Ryan, Wing, Secret Weapon
-Went to CK to play Dominoes. Saw Antoine in the parking lot
-played dominoes with Nagata, Ryan, Wing. AdamB and Secret Weapon played snooker. Antoine watched and we talked a lot about poker. Apparantly, K2 suited isnt a good flush draw possibility according to him
-nagata owned up in dominoes because wing doesnt know how to lock down Nagata
-Nagata ordered Cajun Fries
-Nagata and I own up the plate of Cajun Fries
-switched seats with Wing
-Owned up nagata in dominoes. Ten to 0
-Went to Ryan’s at 4:30 in the morning with Wing to use his laser printer to print out the discharge paper
-drove wing home. I hit every fucking possible red light on the way there
-drove my ass home
-made a log on SRK
-time to watch a movie on my computer, sleep, and then go to orbit tourney so i can lose in 3s and exotech it (use the joysticks as an excuse)

all in all, the highlight of the night was owning up nagata in dominoes. But dont get me wrong. Nagata’s fucking good at dominoes. Glad to have played with him tonight. Take note that i told burton thati was going to meet him at orbit, but it doesnt say that i went to orbit, or that I called burton telling him i wasn’t going to orbit

Oh my God, why the hell am I already awake when I went to bed at 5:00am? :bluu:

Anyway yesterday was fun.


  • Wing’s Nakoruru is a dirty slut and I hate her. :sweat:

  • I beat the guy who apparently used to be best in TO 2 years ago. :wtf:

  • Adam B is the most laid back man I’ve ever met. :cool:

  • Ryan plays Marvel? Team Scrub? Too good. :eek:

  • “Creamy Fries please.” “Cheesy Fries?” “No Creamy Fries Please” “You mean Cheesy Fries.” “No, Creamy Fries please.” “Don’t worry, he means Cheesy Fries.” :lol:

  • What were those drinks Marvin and Adam ordered? :confused:

  • Marvin is a dirty scammy dominos players. I’m scared of him. :o

  • Wing’s instant noodles are both a rip off and took TEN MINUTES! :mad:

  • GG’s to everyone last night. I’ll definitely play dominos again soon. :slight_smile:

Can I have an avatar with your pic on it?

Stephen, want to make me an a T5 av with dhalsim in it? :smiley: I’ll provide the sprites if you want.

I really have to get back in the tosf scene. i had no idea there was a tourny today shit.

good tourny
too bad un got in the way

Angry heres the urien av

just wondering where do you guys usually play at? i can never seem to find top pro players of cvs2/kof 2k2 or ggxx anywhere in GTA >_<

I want to see waht my lvl is at against u guys… fuck i know i’m going to get so owned up :frowning:

If possible DarkDragon, could i plz get a t5 avvie with cvs2’s hibiki’s pose after she does her blackout super PLZ :wink: god i’m asking for alot…

thanks stephen but could you make it with his intro sprite its highlighted in red at the button of the page

no problem if you cant though thanks

sick av mr stephen

:lol: That is the greatest avatar I have ever seen. :lol:

GardunaKnight: Ur gonna have to find that sprite for me

angry: that sprite is 150kb, 130kb above srk’s limits…if u still want it im gonna have to cut it down ALOT.

Darkdragon : Can do u something for me??

ack x_x ok i’ll try and find one :slight_smile: i’m guessing all of you guys will be at T5 right?

SBO2 GGXX#R team tourney!!!

stephen make me an av with the frame of baiken’s throw where she stabs chipp and on top it says 01 for time

lol jk jk

that would be sweet! and somehow work herb in it.

thanks for the avs stephen much respect

hopefully i can make it to orbit this week and play some ggxx are any tosf ppl gonna be there on wednesday

AneurysmX: what do u need?

angry: yea np…most ggxx players are there around friday and saturday.

ryan: good idea but i need more “direction” lol

darkdragon: can i have a t5 av with spiderman on it?

make it the dancing one too