You’ll be relying on the goodwill of your fellow tournament goers. i.e. borrowing. Unless you want to buy one on site. I’ve never heard of stick rentals at one of these events.
honestly, I’d head to a local Gamestop and buy a new stick, a gamestop up here in Michigan had a WWE Brawlstick new for only $30, ask the cashier to look up if any gamestops in the area have sticks and buy another one. Beside you can never have enough sticks, or check 2nd hand shops, the local craigslist, or the facebook group for this place in the Tampa area and maybe someone there has an extra stick they will rent to you/sell to you http://www.facebook.com/pages/Serenity-Games/218569754840396
Yeah, just go on the gamestop website, and find a store near that place that has it.
You might have luck posting in the Orlando thread. Someone might be able to help you out.
Your best bet is to simply borrow a stick at the majors. It’s preferable that you borrow it from a friend, since they’ll be more likely to let you borrow one. You’ll find that most strangers don’t mind letting you use their stick though, as long as you’re not a total asshole, don’t sweat profusely, and carry strange body odor around you.
And if everybody is a dick in Orlando…which I doubt…I suppose you could pay some guy like $5 to borrow their stick for all your matches. I’ve never heard of that happening though.
If MadCatz has a set up there, it depends on the stick you wanted to grab. At NEC last year they were set up and had several different models of their TEs which all ranged in pricing. They had Marvel 2 sticks for about 100 while the Marvel 3 sticks were around 130. The newer ones like the SC5 stick and the SFxT Red Pro stick at the time were a full price.