Top SF Players who also Play KOF

looking up KOF streams i’ve noticed a number of Top SF players who main SSF4 (of course) play KOF secondarily (and in Justin Wong’s case it may even be his least favorite or at least least prioritized) and a lot of them do good… really good but if you’ve seen them who do you think is the Best?

Here’s my list

  1. CCG Air (Ryu in SF, Saiki/EX Kyo/??? in KOF XIII) of all the Top SF Players he IMO is the best since he actually won a KOF Tournament.

  2. Tokido (Akuma in SF, Mr. Karate/Hwa Jai/Claw Iori in KOF XIII) he translates most of what he does with Akuma in SF into his Mr. Karate [principles in offense not moves per se] and has a real Good Hwa, he is consistently good at tourneys and seems to take the game almost as serious as SF

  3. Justin Wong (Rufus in SF, King, Mr. Karate, Athena in KOF XIII) Justin Wong as Faced them all from the likes of Daigo, Gamerbee, Ricky Ortiz, John Choi, Alex Valle to the likes of Bala [and has beaten him on one occasion], The Answer, Romance, he is the proof that you don’t always have to “play kof” to play KOF, his defensive principles are translated faithfully from an SF players general strategem and they make it work, though again out of the gazillions of FGs Justin play, this is probably his last.

  4. Poongko (??? in SF and KOF XIII) I Heard this main SF player also played KOF but i have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever…

Anyway I noticed that Top SF players can more easily translate into good KOF players but i don’t know any top KOFer being in a similar position in SF… I might be wrong though but it does’t really matter anyway.

Shame we’ll never see Bala vs Daigo :frowning:

Xiaohai and Dakou are old-school Chinese KOF legends; they both came to Evo 2012 and entered SF4. Xiaohai placed 4th, as I assume everyone remembers, and I believe Dakou made it to quarter finals.

Poongko’s main game would actually be KOF, not SF. If you look at his history, SF was a relatively recent thing for him.

You could argue Xian, though he just plays everything and I don’t know if you can call SSF4 as his main game. I’d also put Tokido over Air, regardless of whether Air won a tournament (which one was that anyway?). Also, Tokido won Treta Armageddon in Brazil, which might be a bigger achievement than winning an american tournament since Brazil takes their kof pretty seriously…though not sure how serious Brazil is with kof13.

Mago’s main game is SF4 but he used to be a kofxi player, among other things…not sure if he should be added to the list.

I’m not really sure what the purpose is of this list though unless you’re trying to say that SF4 teaches you fundamentals you can apply to anything else but not the other way around.

But you have Xiaohai and Dakou, top kof players (who’ve been playing kof all their life) coming into SF4 and being quite dominant. You got Oogosho and Kyabetsu, two top kof players, winning SBO in SF4 vanilla.

No 777? That guy’s Kim Kap Hwan playing skills are just crazy.

Eh what about him? He doesn’t play SF4 (or any SF to my knowledge).

what are you trying to say, exactly? both ogosho and kyabetsu did win sbo 09, you know.

Yeah I’d say there are more top KOF players that do well in SF4 than the other way around…

Although that might just be a numbers thing due to their relative popularity.

RF is originally a KOF player too isn’t he? He does well. And yeah obviously Ogosho and Kyabetsu, KOF legends winning SBO09 is a big deal.


Chris G and Combofiend

Chris G stopped playing KOF, i don’t know about Combofiend but Justin Wong I heard treats it as a joke (he forfeited Winter Brawl 7 i heard and RyRy was pretty upset)

Air won Canada Cup in the finals (Beating Justin Wong)

I guess my point is there is no KOF player that i know that has been good to both SF and KOF but prefers KOF… Poongko is an SF guy now, those two chinese legends probably have SF as their main, and Mr KOF seems to be gravitating towards SF as well.

It\s Good that Tokido still takes the game almost as serious as he does SF (he even reached MadKOF) in the finals of WGC (the only man i know to fight BOTH MadKOF and Infiltration :stuck_out_tongue: )

Dakou and Xiaohai definitely don’t have SF as their main game. Oogosho came to SF4, won SBO, then stopped playing, he will always be a kof main.

Also ChrisG and COmbofiend are decent kof players, but not really experts/masters. They kind of just play everything at a good level.

Hehe hope Infiltration joins the roster (hopefully)

Louffy (Rose player)

Considered also one if not the strongest player in France today.