NOTE: this is NOT an HDR tournament. It’s an ST tournament. But it is featuring some of the best ST players in the world, and HDR players (for most the characters) can learn HDR gameplay from checking it out)
super nohoho fighter ii x announces:
Gian Recital: Japan’s 7th Annual Super Turbo 5on5
Location: Ooyama Newton
Website: [?W???C?A???T?C?^???@?X?[?p?[?X?g???[?g?t?@?C?^??QX???@??T?C?g
Tourney starts:
- Japan = Friday April 29th, 1pm
- USA PST = Thursday April 28th, 9pm
- USA EST = Friday April 29th, 12am
Watch the stream here: ??2011 THE 9th ARCADIA CUP TOURNAMENT
source: super nohoho fighter ii x: Gian Recital 2011
"The seventh annual Super Turbo 5on5 is scheduled for April 29th (Japan time) at Ooyama Newton. Three-fifths of the winning team get to be the first SBO qualifiers for the season."
source: super nohoho fighter ii x: Gian Recital 2011
That SUCKS for the other 2 players on the team.
Some teams:
Kita (Chun-Li), Seo (Ryu), Takahashi (Ryu), Senbon (T.Hawk), Toukon (Chun-Li)
Muteki (Guile), Nuki (Chun-Li), Shiki (Boxer), Keishin (Chun-Li), Sasori (Ryu)
yaya (Guile/Sagat), Taira (Dictator), babynine (E.Honda), Kotaka Shoten (Guile), Sashishi (Ryu)
Mattsun (Ken/Cammy), KKY (Dhalsim), Kikai (Guile), Tojo (Chun-Li), Shogatsu (O.Honda)
(This team is marked as scratched -->) Hakase (Dhalsim), Noguchi (Fei-Long/Claw), Tamashima (Boxer), Shogatsu (O.Honda), Pony (Zangief)
Kurahashi (Ryu), YuuVega (Dictator), AFO (Blanka), Yoshimura (Dhalsim), Hiroyan (T.Hawk)
Akashachi Kancho (Blanka), Yoshio (Guile), Hayatty (Ryu), Akabla (Blanka), Shiro (Ryu)
Tsuji (Boxer), MAO (Claw), Opemai (Claw), Saito (Zangief), Murasaki (Dictator)
Yuzuru (DeeJay), Ito (DeeJay), Seki (DeeJay), Itokazu (DeeJay), ???
Pony (Zangief), Atomic Boy [Toutanki] (Zangief), Kakky (Zangief), Aoki Cyclone (Zangief), Gunze (Zangief)
VIPER (T.Hawk), Yakitori (O.Hawk), Muro (O.Hawk), Shin (T.Hawk)
Nakamura (Cammy), Fujinuma (Chun-Li), tomo (Ryu), Shu (Ken), Piroshi (E.Honda)
source: super nohoho fighter ii x: Gian Recital 2011
NOTE: I am not affiliated with super nohoho fighter ii x. I’m just a fan.