Tom Clancy dies at 66

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Oh man…first adult novel I read was Rainbow Six. It enthralled me in a way I had yet to be enthralled until then.


Probably the only author that spawned so many video game franchises. Many of which he had nothing to do with.

Rainbow Six was fun back in the day.

RIP one of the best thriller authors. Hopefully someone steps up to the plate.

He had a bit to do with Splinter Cell in its earlier renditions. I remember reading shit about how Ubisoft wanted Sam to have Night/Thermal vision goggles, and Clancy told them no because the technology didnt exist for both of those to be in the same pair of goggles yet. Then when that technology became available to the military in the real world, so that a pair of goggles could have both functions, then he told them they could do it.

He stuck to his guns about that accuracy shit.

A Clear and Present Loss

The Hunt for Dead October

Aw damn does that mean that I won’t be able to play patriots?


if you never played a rainbow six game, you fuqed up

Clear and Present Danger’s movie adaptation had the best car chase scene even seen up to that point.

Guy got a ton of crap for his books being “bad”.( I thought they were militaristic and definitely pro-American but I found them to be fun reads). However, I have to respect his ability to make a brand out of writing and his dedication to accuracy and to the entire craft of writing. He was a producer and he lucky enough to add to the library that is literature for all to read after his death.

R.I.P Tom Clancy, you’ve achieved virtual immortality.

R.I.P. Mr. Clancy…

R.I.P. Without you we never would have gotten the superior Solid Snake

Man, read a shit ton of his books and played all of the video games.
Sad it had to end this way.

Smh, and you want to be my latex salesman…

R.I.P. Read the hell out of his books, he will be missed.

Is Ubisoft still going to use his name to the game series that he was attached to?

R.I.P. Never read the man’s books but I liked Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Hawx.

RIP, his books were immense, he made politics interesting and hard edge, its difficult for that to be worthy thriller subject matter after with the level of authentic detail and technology he put into it.

John Clark was one of the best characters ever written, he was more interesting than Jack Ryan imo, and probably the greatest spy ever written, being the guy who fucked James Bonds secretary and had numerous bastard children, Jason Borne being one of them.