Very nice.
i dont suppose you have anything in stock for us akumajunkies do ya? <3
iam getting an akuma tattoo soon but i have yet to decide with drawing to go after seeing as my own sucks ^^
“( ‘@’ )”~ Onk
Mmmmmmmmmm Juli and Juni, they win. :lovin:
hohoho, draw eddie doing shadow gallery. GG is the new CVS2!!!
Reading this thread made me realize how much my skills have suffered over the years fucking with drawing on Photoshop.
Fuck tablets, Paper+scanner 4TW.
Your proportion is off but you seem really comfortable with poses and group shots, which I feel is more important than a gimped arm or leg. Good stuff.
thanks for all the positive and constructive comments everyone!!
i just got a superman shield on my left arm 2 weeks ago. but how awesome would it be to have one of my drawings on my back??
anyways, i’m not much of an akuma fan. but here’s something i did today.
i don’t think there are any sodom fans on this board. =/
I think your femme faces are fine. Actually, judging from the one sketch of Phunny Bunny you did way back was awesome, you might be getting lazy, I’m not sure. Just soften up the chin a bit, round it out some. Other than that I’m diggin your style man, you’re hella consistent. :tup:
Die Job Death Car
played some SFAA
Sodom is a rapist (how apt). :*(
That Akuma is awesome…well, the nose is really out of place for him, but his body in general is vicious looking.
Hey, i’m a big fan of your work. keep up the great work, your anatomy is amazing. hah, hope you haven’t died on us dude. i’m luvin’ the Sodom n_n
i’m not dead, just havn’t drawn anything in ages
ever since i graduated highschool, i havn’t picked up a pencil. =]
here’s a colored akuma
Woah! Why haven’t I been checking in here more often?!
Your style is awesome!
I think That Rose pic is my fave so far. But I’m biased being a Rose fan and all. If they had a nosebleed icon it would be in my post.
Excellent stuff!
Akuma’s nose is FUCKING BIG. what the hell did you do to him1?!?!?!?!
Draw Blanka. You havent drawn him yet.
seems i’ve been proved wrong xD;
That is some awesome coloring there. great job…and pleeeease get back to the pencils =3
aww, c’mon Hail & Kill, it’s not that bad…i think it’s stylized, t’would be boring to mimic all the other thousands of Akuma drawings out there no? =/
i regret i read this thread…
awesome, simply awesome
i like your style but your female faces do look awkward sometimes… cane say i’m much better myself. but i’m workin on it n.n i just recently started drawing girls. usualy i just draw male charas. but recently i have been compelled to draw chun li. i dont have a scanner so i will have to wait to scan some things. i might be going with my mom to her job soon to meet her friends and to try and get a summer job so while i’m there i’ll scan things
Requoted for emphasis. =o
A Killer Bee is fine too. (Any of them.)
I was joking haha. I kid a lot with edwin. of course the drawing is crazy good.