Tokoyama2000's art thread

crazy shit man!

dang. thats hot.

His right arm looks thinner than the left.


you’re welcome, mc =D

i forgot to post sakura

Kickass:bgrin: How the hell do all you awesome artists get such clean lines! I mess up alot and mine get all friggin sketchy ahhh:mad: Veins on rolento look awesome

lame critique---->rolentos left hand, index n mid look wonky together, and sakura’s arms look too different in size to me, but thats probably my inexperiencedness talking ><

PS looking forward to skullomania :wink:

movin’ a bit slow. finals week =[

alpha cammy-

incredible work!! keep it up!!

This thread just made a man outta me. Tokoyama, you my friend… are ridiculous.

i think i’m just starting to get the hang of drawing sf characters. or maybe i was rushing through my earlier sketches. however you see it, i think i’m getting better at this =] …hopefully

Here’s one I colored. I’m still a noob at photoshop as you can see.:sweat: It’s not as good as Vega-x’s. I really love toko’s art style! Keep up the good work.

very nice job from both sides (the drawing and the coloring)
gratz !


No Sean love?



tokyoama, you are incredible.

hey man, your shit is absolutely killer…great work!

do you think you could do a Dudley?..thanks man

here’s a necro sketch that i’m not too proud of =[

i’ll be working on sean/dudley next

Excellent work. It’s been awhile since you’ve submitted something here, is there a different place your putting these or have you not done sketching in a while.

Also, great job on drawing Makoto to look like the girl she’s supposed to be.

EDIT: whoops didn’t look at the date. Good work

i’m being lazy =[
i’ve been doing a lot of concept sketches of my own. i also have projects due every two weeks for senior art studio…bleh
i’ll slowly, but surely, finish sketching every street fighter



Ah yes, it is the ole Sean, nothing like having my favorite character in the Street Fighter III Series drawn so nicely. You are good. Very good.


Tokoyama, have you taken lessons of any kind? It’s good to see well drawn stuff in a fan art section of anything for once.

Sombody should color that Makoto btw :wgrin:

nope, i havn’t taken any lessons. I took an ap art course at my highschool, but that doesn’t really count. my teacher can’t teach for shit =/

here’s me trying to replicate akiman’s sf3 ryu
bleh, i wrote ikeno on the drawing…just ignore that =]

fleas612, errrr sorry the dudley’s taking so long. i have it done, just havn’t gone around to scanning it. i’ll do it first thing tomorrow-promise.