Tokoyama2000's art thread

here’s an alex sketch

from now on, i’ll be taking a little more time on my sketches =p
after looking through this thread, i realized how shitty some of these sketches actually look. i’ll be working on another ryu and an akuma/karin right after.

Shitty? No, you’ve been doing excellent so far. My only critiques are that all the females have nearly identical faces and facial expressions, and all the men are seriously overdeveloped in their upper arms/shoulder area. Apart from that, your anatomy and posture choices are inspired.

While I was warming up the tablet this afternoon, I gave a shot at coloring one of your pieces:

Whoa shit. thats crazy. Good job vega.

that’s some crazy coloring there, vegax
when ever you have the time, you can color another if you’d like =]

here’s my latest
i’m really happy how this one turned out

what is a csfa thread? can someone pst a link, thanks
these are great artwork, i love the alex, urien, and oro sketches. looking forward to seeing the rest of the cast. keep up the great work.

You need to work on your linework. those little hairy hatches ain’t doing nothing for me. All your work so far isn’t even called sketches. It’s finished product from what I see. Sketches are alot more loose. Pretty good work.

this shit is amazing

thanks for the comments everyone =D


i have karin done/scanning it tomorrow
gonna work on a new sakura

this one is for masterchibi

now working on bison and rolento

please sheng long… please sheng long… :wink: thank you. :slight_smile:

my god that’s absurdly hot.

makes me cry with happiness~


all of them are cool but karin gots to be my fav. female char. you drew yet. Keep up the nice job.

another thin bison for HaK

i also finished rolento/will scan tomorrow

More color. I think cell-style suits your art pretty well:

That Vega looks awesome colored.

check pm´s

Looks very Production I.G which is awesome by the way.

damn vegax, that looks pretty fuckin’ sick man =D

Hot shit…

Vega-x i have a request from you. Can you color vega in my avatar color? and bison in gold armor and blue suit? =o!!!

Nice stuff. Edwin, Karen looks hot. Bison looks kind of alpha-y.

Alex looks hot. Can’t wait for the Rolento guy.

errrr i forgot to post the rolento drawing last night
here he is-

the right arm is kinda fucked up =[