Sorry for posting it here, but it’s just that I was afraid no one would notice it if I put it in his forum.
Anyway I would like to now what are Todo’s best pokes, best combos & what’s his best Groove. I’m kind of an N/C-Groove person BTW.
Some of those threads really aren’t that great for todo… I’ll look through and try and find some good info. Plus if I were you I’d play todo in C more than N. Dash is better than run for him, airblocking gives him good defensive strategies. Oh and he’s generally best in a battery position. Though in A-groove (his best) he works really well as a user too.
Edit: Todo Stuff
Pokes -cr.lp,,, f+mk(the move forward sweep) cr.rh, waves (qcf+lp or mp)
Anti-air - Cr.fp, dp+P (do it early), rc command grab (hard to do but useful).
Good RC - everything if it’s a ground special with him might as well RC it as they are both awesome RC’s
Basic Combo - or mp xx qcf+lp, command grab, xx qcf+lp, or at any time you can insert a super. He has a really useful lvl2 xx whiff command grab this makes the wave hit more and do close too (if not the same) amount of damage as the lvl 3.
Your basic strategy is going to be zoning them with the wave… assuming you can roll, RC wave is good. You need to learn the speed of your waves, and how far they hit because they are all a bit different. I prefer MP or LP wave for zoning puposes. The main purpose of this zoning is to push them to the corner so that way you can try and do some wave lockdown patterns into mixup, into command grab. Eventually they are going to try and get in somehow, if you’ve been hitting them with the wave you should be pretty safe from most retaliation(unless of course they have super, but thats more than just 101 stuff). So anyway your annoying them and they jump d+fp stuff pretty much everything except cross ups (but you won’t be getting crossed up after a wave unless they super jump and then you should be able to walk under combo or walk back anti-air) if they roll command grab and combo.
Some special notes df+mk goes under high tiger shots, you can also use it to trade with most fireballers from the right range to get a free knockdown. Once you knock them down he’s got a decent mixup with cr.lp tick into command grab or cr.lp, sweep, or RC command grab to blow through there wake up. And jumping mk crosses up sometimes… Umm yeah he’s a weird character defiently play some matches so you get a feel for him and use these notes to make your own style. Also look up some matches with Sabin, he plays todoh in C groove.
^Major ass thanks for the info K-M :tup:
Also, who are some good Todo players?
as far as i know im the only american todo that can actually play lol
in japan the only todo I have ever seen is Aojiru
so yeah that makes 2 good todos in the world lol
Sabin plays todoh (still?) He was aight.
he doesnt play it in tournament
Crossup MK setup:
When Crossup MK is blocked, develop the “expectation” of low MK > fireball. After about 2-3 of those, you can change to low LK(blocked) > command grab > super. The low LK looks like low MK, but is actually the perfect tick for the command throw when setup with blocked jump crossup MK
My scrubby roll > super-counter > throw setup:
Works on ppl who haven’t seen it yet. roll in on a downed opponent (standing opponent is OK if you suceed with the roll), and lvl1 super counter. If they attacked, you countered it. If they didn’t, the general reaction is to low block after a super flash, so walk up and THROW them.
Whoo-hoo! Party like it’s 2002.
…yeah…nice strat with todo…
akutabi if you need some help with todo hit me up on aim
Can someone do somthing like this, but for Guile? I found that the info in the specific forum is VERY BASIC (not bad), and i need some advanced Strats…
Todo AA besides c.fierce? jump back rh?
Jump back fierce is hella buff too. c.fierce beats a lot or trades (generally in your favor) and the bounce back from it allows you to dash up and mix up with Rc command grab, cc, xx waves
you never wanna use anything but c.fp becuase it puts them in a pretty tight position
nobody mentioned making them land into an rc wave as anti-air? like guile?
anyway, aren’t there some way more developed todo threads out there you guys can move this to? if not, then whatever
if memory serves me correctly, weren’t you supposed to do a quick and brief write up on what you know about A-todo and how he was the best character nobody plays :wonder: ?
wasnt campbell saposed to make a lot of things? you slacker.
Last I heard, Campbell was busy making illegitimate Vietnamazing babies somewhere…
and he’s making a stop back here to impregnate some of us. Who will be the lucky few…?
RC grab and c.fierce.