ToD Combos

Hey all.

I was just out on and I realized that there’s (still) no combo FAQ out there that has Touch of Death combos listed for every character that has one in Super Turbo. Unfortunately, since my Link FAQ was done for SSF2 and I know that some ToDs that were in that game don’t work in ST, I can’t readily name them. So, here’s my question…

I’d like for those of you out there that know them to list Touch of Death combos for every character that has one. Now, remember the true definition of a Touch of Death combo.

A Touch of Death combo does at least 50% damage and dizzies.

I’m not talking about combos that include a super. Also, if you’re thinking of combos that use “backwards” moves, try to include a combo for that character that doesn’t use backwards moves.

These are the ones that I remember from SSF2 that may or may not work in Super Turbo. Please help a brutha out. Thanks.


Crossup roundhouse, close fierce XX Shoryuken (f, d, df + punch). (Only the jab Shoryuken would work on Chun Li and E.Honda in SSF2. I think this completely whiffs in ST.)

Crossup roundhouse, crouch strong, crouch or close fierce XX fierce Hadouken/Hien-Hadouken (d, df, f + punch). (Not sure if this connects anymore. Aren’t the hitboxes too small for the fierce or something?)

Crossup roundhouse, f+fierce, crouch forward XX fierce Hadouken/Hien-Hadouken. (This is a guess for a Super Turbo combo. I never actually pulled it off.)


Crossup forward, close fierce XX Shoryuken. (Only the jab Shoryuken would work on Chun Li and E.Honda in SSF2. I think this completely whiffs in ST. Even if it hits, it may not do enough damage to be a ToD.)

Jump fierce, close fierce XX roundhouse TatsuMakiSenpuuKyaku (d, db, b + kick), fierce Shoryuken. (Straight from the TZW video against Zangief. When does this actually work??)

Jump jab XX air roundhouse TatsuMakiSenpuuKyaku, close fierce XX fierce Shoryuken. (Poor Sagat. His height is his curse.)

(From near full screen range, Sagat in the corner) Jab Hadouken, (miss) low air roundhouse TatsuMakiSenpuuKyaku, crouch jab, jump jab XX air roundhouse TatsuMakiSenpuuKyaku, close fierce XX fierce Shoryuken (or roundhouse TatsuMakiSenpuuKyaku). (Again…only Sagat can eat this combo…and it probably dizzies before it ends.)

Jump roundhouse, crouch strong, Krazy Ken Kick #1 (d, df, f + kick, hold kick for the overhead finish), crouch roundhouse. (The combo from the CCC2 Tutorial…I really don’t even know if this is a ToD or not. I guessed on the kick because I can’t remember which one it is right now. Don’t kill me. :slight_smile: )


Crossup fierce/roundhouse, close strong or crouch strong/forward, close fierce XX fierce Kikkoken (charge b, f + punch) or any Lightning Kick (tap kick rapidly). (The close fierce used to whiff on Honda if you used the crouch moves in Super. I don’t know if this works in ST.)

(From almost full screen range on a cornered opponent) Jab Kikkoken, jump fierce, close fierce XX fierce Kikkoken or any Lightning Kick.

(I can’t see the TenShoKyaku [charge d, u + kick] being ToD friendly due to it’s lack of horizontal range, but hey…somebody school me if I’m wrong.)


Crossup fierce/roundhouse, close jab, close strong, stand fierce. (Straight from the TZW FAQ.)

Crossup d+forward splash, Knee Butt (b or f + forward while close), stand strong, jab Hundred Hand Slap (tap punch rapidly). (Worked awful well on SSF2. No clue about ST.)


Crossup d+fierce splash, crouch jab x 4, fierce Spinning Pile Driver (spin joystick b, d, f, u + punch). (Not a true combo, but if you land it…whoa…dizzy and over 50%.)

Crossup d+fierce splash, crouch jab, crouch forward, jab Banishing Hand (f, df, d + punch). (Does this do over 50%? I know it dizzies.)


Crossup forward, crouch forward x 2, fierce Horizontal Ball (charge b, f + punch). (Not sure this works in ST.)


Jumping fierce/roundhouse, close fierce XX fierce Sonic Boom (charge b, f + punch), Backfist (f+fierce while far).

Early jab Sonic Boom, jumping fierce/roundhouse, close fierce XX fierce Sonic Boom (charge b, f + punch), Backfist (f+fierce while far).

(I’m not going to type all of Guile’s insane ToD combos. You know where to find them. TZW Combo FAQ. 'Nuff said.)

Dhalsim: (He doesn’t seem to have one that I could find. Here’s the best that I can do…)

(Full screen range) Early jab Yoga Fire (d, df, f + punch), Teleport to opposite side of opponent (f, d, df + 3punches or 3kicks), close forward XX fierce Yoga Fire (d, df, f + punch).


Crossup fierce, crouch strong, crouch forward or stand fierce XX roundhouse Cannon Drill (d, df, f + kick). (I hope this still works in ST. She needs something!)

Dee Jay:

Crossup forward, crouch jab x 4-7, close strong XX fierce Max-Out (charge b, f + punch) or forward Dread Kick (charge b, f + kick).

Deep jump roundhouse, crouch jab, fierce Machine Gun Upper (charge d, u + punch, mash all three punch buttons and stop on the 3rd hit and the 4th will connect).

(Does jumping roundhouse crossup? I forget. Any ToD combos with the Jackknife Kick [charge d, u + kick]?)

Fei Long:

Crossup forward, close strong, close fierce XX fierce Rekka-Ken (d, df, f + punch x 3).

Crossup roundhouse Crescent Kick (d, df, f, uf + kick), close jab x 4 XX fierce Rekka-Ken (d, df, f + punch x 3). (I’m sure if the combo before this one works, then you can use the close strong to close fierce link here.)

(Any nasty tricks with the Crescent Kick…aka Chicken Wing…involving Sagat?)

T. Hawk:

Crossup d+fierce splash or roundhouse, crouch forward, close/stand jab XX jab Thunderstrike (f, d, df + punch).

Crossup d+fierce splash or roundhouse, crouch jab x 2, Mexican Typhoon (spin joystick b, d, f, u + punch). (Same notes as Zangief.)


Crossup fierce/roundhouse, crouch jab x 4-6, stand jab XX Rushing Punch (charge b, f + punch).

Crossup fierce/roundhouse, crouch jab x 4-6, stand jab XX Rushing Upper (charge b, f + kick), stand strong.


Crossup forward/fierce/roundhouse, crouch forward x 2, crouch strong. (Since it’s so hard to crossup with fierce or roundhouse, I usually use forward, but then the damage may not be enough to be a ToD.)

(Any ToD combos involving the Flip Kick [charge db, uf + kick]?)

Sagat: (Not sure if this is a ToD, but…)

Deep jump fierce/roundhouse, close jab, close roundhouse (the knee) XX fierce Tiger Uppercut (f, d, df + punch). (I’m very sure you can connect a roundhouse Tiger Knee, too, but I don’t know if it would be worth it compared to the uppercut.)

(From 2/3 to 3/4 screen range on a cornered opponent) Early jab/short Tiger Shot (d, df, f + punch/kick), (miss) short Tiger Knee, crouch forward XX fierce/roundhouse Tiger Shot. (I know…it’s a dizzy combo, but not a ToD. However, I’m wondering if anyone has tried this and ended it with the Tiger Uppercut or Tiger Knee.)


Crossup forward/roundhouse, crouch jab x 3-4, stand jab XX Scissor Kick (charge b, f + kick)

Crossup forward/roundhouse, close short x 3, crouch forward XX Scissor Kick (charge b, f + kick).

(I don’t remember that a Psycho Crusher [charge b, f + punch] will produce ToD results.)

That’s it! Let the combos pour forth!

All these combos dizzy in ST?

no, he said those are all SSF2 combos

I can say for sure that Guile’s four fierce combo is not a guaranteed dizzy anymore

he does have a ToD though, but it will only work at the beginning of the round

say you’re fighting a Ryu, and you think he’s going to throw a fireball at the start of the round, just hold UF and do j.HK > cr.MP > flash kick for the dizzy, then four fierce for the win

I did it recently in a tournament, I’ll post a video when it’s up :rofl:

Honda can also use Crossup RH + jab in oichio which will dizzy then repeat = TOD

Gief has his cross up splash crouching forward into lariet for the dizzy then follow with whatever you feel like busting out for the rape.

Well…not all of the combos are from SSF2, especially the ones that have ST moves in them. However, some of those ST combos are guesses while some of them are from the TZW Combo FAQ.

So, I gather from the combo that was just posted that the first ten seconds still offer the easy three-hit dizzy combo, huh? And here I was thinking that I’d never start out the round with a projectile against Guile unless I was using Guile. He probably had a Vizzini moment. :slight_smile: (I normally shouldn’t start out with a fireball against Guile, but he may know that I know that I shouldn’t start out with a fireball and not expect it, so I must clearly throw the fireball. But, he may know that I know that he knows, so, clearly, I can’t throw the fireball! But he may know that I know that he knows that I know, so I clearly can’t help but throw the fireball! I’m throwin’ it! Didn’t he know?! NEVER MESS WITH A SICILIAN WITH DEATH ON THE LINE!!! HAHAHAHA!!! Oh…wait…that’s ME falling down!) :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll state the obvious here. While I believe ST is the best fighting game out there, it’s also the SF game that I have the least experience with. I would try to find this stuff myself on SFAC, but I don’t have that kind of time anymore. My pregnant wife is far too attractive and wonderful for me to neglect. :slight_smile:

Aha! Hey…is there a video out there with this on it? I think I’ve seen this before…on YouTube or somewhere.

Not sure, i know it was in the original ST strategy guide from 10 + years ago.

that’s not technically a ToD though, is it? you could reversal out of the ooicho tick

NKI made a TOD Combo video, transcript included

Technically, you’re right, much like I mentioned with the Zangief and T.Hawk combos I mentioned that tick into their special throws. Still, I think it’s good info to know. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info. I did try to search for something like this, but I was unsuccessful. He really should get that transcript posted on GameFAQs.

Still…I don’t think he fully explored each characters’ possibilities, as noted by some of the combos I listed. I’m going to have to treat my wife to an all-day pampering so that I can try out some stuff for myself.

Anyway, thanks for pointing out the videos. I simply must watch them.