so I guess we shut it down and wait for this server migration?
no, we shut it down after
not really though. sure combos wont work the same way but most everything else would carry over well such as matchups and things like that. i dont think a week of downtime is really going to hurt the skullgirls forums that much since theres barely anybody who posts here anyway due to the patch not being on the 360 yet. thats the reason I and a lot of other people arent posting. not because SRK is slow as shit.
well what is the point of waiting till after, we will be wasting our time if we try to post now. I say we should just have the IIRC chat that was made and all of us converse there through out the week
or hell, take a week break. it may do some of us some good :3
My opinion at present: NO!
SG has its very own subforum (and wiki section) here, and also on Dustloop. I think SG currently gets more continued and relevant “internet exposure” by keeping an active presence on forums that have a (large) pool of non-SG players visiting regularly than it would if it was alone on a completely different forum. These days, we have something in the Recently Active Threads box on here more often that we don’t! That’s really, really awesome.
I think that individual niche fighting games can risk killing their own growth within the fighting game community at large by segregating themselves too much. Out of sight, out of mind. And remember, fighting games are already a niche genre, so when you start talking about niche fighting games, you’re talking about a niche within a niche. I’ll root for that “go big or go home” mentality, but if fighting games have taught you anything, it’s that if you’re going to bet it all, you had better pick your spot.
I think it would be worth considering if SG had a large community that could afford to spread out and still maintain a notable presence.
I think it would be worth considering if SG was just a handful of threads in a general subforum, because those perceived limits and that undeniable lack of cohesion can really stymie expansion.
I even think that this would be a different story if the official Skullgirls website had its own forum, simply because–aside from Google–it’s the first place a new fan will look. If anything, I think they should change their Community page ASAP from that “Forums Coming Soon” image to a link that points here. (It actually even still has a link to Reverge Labs on it.)
Also keep in mind that running a forum has a bill attached to it. You want the person who’s going to be paying that bill to be happy with the idea of paying that bill for a loooong time, because if you develop a community around a URL and that website goes down… not only do you lose the history and knowledge-base resources, I promise that you will not be able to pick up the pieces and migrate that community intact to a new address. I know that sounds silly, but it’s how the world works.
My three cents.
come to my house and play and whisper to me how much you like my beard
if the site fails the site fails, nobody’s going to die. It’s cool if you want to keep naysaying it or whatever, but meanwhile there’s a contingent of serious people ready to hype shit up and maybe push this community forward. We should be pretty fucking happy that that’s the case, I think.
but you are NOT moving the community forward, you are moving it BACKWARD.
we just got a fucking shit ton of exposure from the drive.
where did the drive come from?
what site are you on right now?
Here is some math i posted on the other forum.
there are like 50 people (MAYBE) who actively participate in discussion about SG.
lets say 10 of them don’t have the time to go across two forums (I am sure there are more that play multiple games, but I am keeping this number small to keep realism intact).
that’s 1/5 a niche community getting ditched behind,
There is ZERO reason.
You can keep posting at both though. I mean, I’m still going to spend most of my time on SRK but I can post and check Skullheart. I don’t think the idea was to abandon SRK/DL.
And the people who did abandon DL because everyone else did, shame on you.
There are actually plenty of reasons, which have already been explained multiple times in this thread and in the “smash/skullgirls” thread.
Just one of those reasons is that the drive’s success can be considerably attributed to people who do not typically play competitive fighters. Those are people who do not post on, nor care about, SRK. There are a lot more than 50 of them, by the way.
I’m not going to draw this out into some long argument, but again, this has already largely been explained. Maybe read some of the previous posts or something. Shrug
it hasn’t been explained. I debunked all those ‘reasons’ without anyone really being able to debate it.
you can wave your magical reasoning wand all you want, but it won’t out weigh the negatives.
but there are a group of people (myself and weevle have expressed this) that DON’T have the time to bounce between two forums.
The only reason I use SRK is because it has a notification system to let me know when its time to respond.
I think people would abandon SRK, some people come here solely for SG and there wouldn’t be any reason to post here.
We have a good infrastructure here, why ditch it along with people in the community?
It ain’t broke, ya da ya da
Wait how did you debunk the Skullgirls fans who aren’t players and like it enough to donate?
being conservative is boring and usually accomplishes little
I accept that you hate the idea but yeah, I’m gonna dip out on this one
Things are starting to be blown out of proportion…
The only sole reason why there is another forum site to begin with thats dedicated to SG Now, was due to the news of Srk temporarily shutting down
I personally thought this was the **better option **for the short-run then temporarily finding sanctuary in DustLoop that previously had little to no SG activity that evilweevle pointed out. The Anime Fighters their would easily overshadow SG and would recieve very little sunlight for growth and be horrible for the long-run. Plus, this experiment on Skullhearts might yield a good investment for the long-run version of this possible dedicated SG hub
Speaking of long-run, we should have a decent quality Website/Forum for SG after some $ and time is actually put into it (and I’m not talking about the one at currently, that was rapidly put together with little planning just to suite srk shutting down). Especially since the “official forums” being very vague about when if ever it decides to open. I rather have them not focus resources to run an official forum if they could put that energy elsewhere.
I’m not claiming that we all should jump ship from Srk and swim to whatever SG dedicated Website/Forum happens. Just make a Tab and problem solved. I understand some people play other fighters (I do too) but, people are over exaggerating the hassle of multi tabing(takes 2 seconds). I see having a dedicated SG hub a + for the community for attracting the demographic that we would normally not attract using the right ads for those interested of Skullgirls as a whole and not just the competitive fighting game angle of it that they would have to go to the sub-forums of srk to find SG. There were people who have not even heard of this game before this January exposure. We need to tap into that source.
An actual good quality SG central hub thats made by the community is the long-run plan (again assuming official forums ever opens) that would expand the community not diminish it
Sorry, the way I quoted that was silly and didn’t highlight my point well.
I was talking about the ones concerning other, long standing communities having there own forums and flourishing.
As for the that point, which I didn’t address, I will now.
What will make them join this new forum if they have not joined SRK? Its not like they have to post in other parts, they could just post in the SG sections?
What will make them post in a forum they don’t know anything about as opposed to a forum that’s widely known about across the internet to talk about SG?
i think you don’t really know what conservative is, since this is not really an issue that has those kinds of lines.
i really don’t doubt good intentions.
and i know you are not saying we should all jump ship.
but people will.
and the fact of the matter is, some people, as stated, don’t hold interest in joining other forums. its not an issue of time management (which I think you are understating, we all know how easy it is to get lost in the internet).
if you don’t think it will split the community in some way, i think you are wrong.
it works for other games with wider, longer lasting player bases, but I don’t know if it would work with such a niche community.
SRK has a rep, regardless if it’s true or not, of being “brash” and “unwelcoming”.
so, anyone know why we can still use the SRK forum? I thought it was supposed to be down four hours ago.
Also we can’t even count how much people are being scared from SRK because those aren’t… you know… on SRK.
That’s some bullshit, mind that I basically registered here just for SG and never used any other sections since then. I really like people who’re hanging here and glad that I decided to become part of this community. That being said SRK isn’t actually a fitting place for casual fans, cosplayers, artists and such so I can see how hub for “all things SG” could possibly benefit us.
Yeah I heard it was supposed to happen at 9 pm Pst, but i still kept this tab on to check when it actually shuts down