Woohoo. Now it’s time to steal everyone’s usernames.
i don’t understand the point of this at all.
People getting caught up in the moment, dude. Honestly, I would have thought focusing on dust loop would be the better idea, especially with SRK going down for a week. Dustloop is established and looks like it could be a better hub than SRK, imo.
I guess…some people just hate SRK that much…
There are 3 forums now…3
Dustloop is not the ideal place as a** central hub** forum replacing Srk. The Anime Fighters will overshadow SG their and will be worse off then Srk.
Especially in the long run if we want to expand. Might as well use this shutdown as an opportunity to get the ball rolling
yeah i agree, if a move WERE necessary, that would be the place.
otherwise, I don’t really understand. It will just be a more inactive forum then this place.
peeps have everything they need here for their forum needs.
Character specifics (that no one fucking uses), GD, OTT.
What’s going to change? Less people already familiar with fighting games seeking help/advice.
that’s what.
Eh, I have my thoughts on the matter but the forum is already up. We all just have to live with it now.
Four forums, actually. You’re forgetting neogaf, not to mention the possibility of an official forum. Four forums, with people trying to convince everybody to move to this new forum. How large is this community again?
What do you mean by “Expand” exactly?
yeah i have yet to see anyone give a real reason why we need to split up the community like this.
refer to previous posts either in this thread or the other thread for “real reason”
Too busy to retype already discussed Pros for this initiative
i did.
there weren’t.
everyone refers to communities with 10+ years of being community, and mainly games that fall out of the interest of those at SRK.
or they say “New players will find us better!”
Which is weird, because its pretty easy to find SRK and the SG forums.
So no, no real GOOD reason, except not wanting more people posting?
Joining Skull heart till SRK is back,
We need to kill SG from the inside! Trying from the outside hasn’t worked yet. =/
I have no idea what dustloop is so I joined Skullheart
i agree with girly on this. the same thing happened with my scene back home. pointless name changes every few months. new facebook pages etc. every new iteration there were less players.
im not interested in joining another forum in any way shape or form.
I see your point, who knows, this new forum thing can end in a week, maybe it will grow, only time will tell
Dustloop is where people go to talk about Arc System games and Vampire Savior(Dark Stalkers 3). It has a well organized SG forum, but every just posted on SRK more over the past year
dustloop has been dead for skullgirls for months and months and months.
barely anybody ever posted in there. lord knows i tried to stir up some activity there. a lot of them seem more content with just thinking they are flat out better than everyone else or something.
all this is achieving is dividing an already small community even further. how is the new site possibly going to ever compare to the amount of info that is here already. its had a year headstart.
I thought the point of this was to have a nice home of our own away from SRK, if the point is to try to be more separated then I see no point in this
New site is unnecessary. Completely. Especially if there is an official one in the works. It will be hard enough to garner support outside of the slim majority of people here who voted “yes.” Just not worth the effort considering how small we are now. SRK is not that bad and will hopefully be better when they do this server migration.
A year of mostly redundant information thanks to the patch. Any of the broad, sweeping concepts that carried over can be copy/pasted in a guide.
</Devils Advocate>