Titan One Adapter accepted at EVO15?

Sup guys… there is a possibility around that the Titan one adapter can be used at Evolution 2015.
The last TitanOne firmware enables a 'Tournament option", which disables all programing options, making the device just as a bypass to use our arcade stick/controlpad in any of the consoles available at EVO.


I raised the question to Mr.Wizard on twitter:


So, I decide to make a link between Mr.Wizard and the developers and a conversation is on going in order to test the device and finally decide if we can use it at EVO.

If any of you want more info about the adapter check it out Console Tuner website.

Hope to have good news in a near future

Just to clarify, I do not work at ConsoleTuner or have any relationship with them, I’m just trying to have more options for the players.


I just bought one so I’d be interesting to see if any tourneys start accepting it. I am not planning on going to major tourneys but I hope Console Tuner sends the EVO team to test them.

For those looking for an alternative tournament legal adapter.

So was this ban because of lag or Tournament option ?


Cronus Max Plus and Titan One conveters are banned.

They’re ban for causing input lag on player 2 side, causing damage to the USB port, and for having the ability to have programmable mircos. Tournament option could still be up in the air.