Tips thread

[COUGH]Perspective and Landscaping tips?[/COUGH]

Concerning perspective- One of simplest and most fundamental guidelines: All things of equal height should line up on the horizon line.

Notice how no matter where the dude is, the horizon line hits him right at the chest. Well, except for the homie on the ladder. He’s higher up, so it doesn’t hit him there. For sizing though, I made the dude at the base of the ladder properly, and then just made the guy up top the same size. Ya dig?

I believe this is the one on perspective

Direct links from

that is a great tip CW. i never knew about the horizon line rule.
Good links as well, landel. Thx to MAck for asking cus this helped ME also!

Thanks to Chain and Landel I’m good to go. All’s I need now are [WHISPER]hands[/WHISPER].

protips. woooooo
I just found this out while browsing another forum. I’m talking about dual views of your work so you can work close up and see how it looks far away at the same time. This makes perfect sense that you can do this but I never thought about it before. It’s even better if you have dualmonitors. You can even have an upsidedown/sideway views of your work at the same time but thats overdoing it lol. ANyways to do it, just got o view>new view in PS7 and in CS you go to windows>arrange>new window for <filename>. I had a hell of a time figuring out how to do it in CS because the guide I read was for PS7 and in CS its in a totally new place. Here’s a screen shot

Hands, hmm… I think I heard someone on this site say this and it helped me out heaps:

“When you can’t think of what to draw, draw hands.”

There isn’t much to learn about hands as far as I know, just look down at your own mits and go for it.

Damn dfist that is the best tip you ever gave anyone. Awesome! I’m going to try this shit out now.

mroe tips. this time for painter. first is how to keep it running smooth:

heres the resaturation trick, for painter as well.

I was wondering if some of the effects the Udon team is doing for it’s backgrounds with Painter are possible in Photoshop?

In Street Fighter 2 #0 The splash page of Ryu walking in India looks mean! How do they do that terrific volumetric lighting effect?

Also the coloring of the line work isn’t pitch black and looks really cool. Hows that done?

Cp the effects are easily done in photoshop. I am not a painter expert, so I wouldn’t know if that is done in painter or not.

The black linework can be changed with just locking your ink layer and using the gradient tool. Usually they gradient the lines more brownish if it were a hot desert scene and blue if it is dealing with Ryu throwing a hadoken.

As for the cel shaded technique, basically all you do is to take the light area of your color values and dupilicate it. Leave the darke side alone. After that put the tab on screen and gaus blur it till you get it blown out. Take it down to like 50 opacity and that should do the trick. The dupilicated layer needs to be on the top above the inks so it can"glow" above the black lines.

Hope that helps. I’ll do a tut on that one pretty soon cause it can sound confusing, but it’s really not. After you learn it you’ll be like was that it?

Man, cheers SFMC. A tut would be cool if you have time. I’ve used the Colored line work tip already.

Thanks alot !!!

Cel Shaded Style

Ok here is a tut for the cel shaded style you see in the street fighter comic. Credits go out to my buddy Danimation 2k1 for giving me this tip. He’s done various coverwork for Marvel, Udon, etc… Well here goes. I’m going to just test out my Sagat image for this tut.

step 1.
take the wand tool and select your HIGHLIGHTS only.

duplicate you selected highlight layer by pressing apple J(instead of apple c apple v). For pc users that would be control J. So you should now have a layer on top with highlights only.

On top of your layers should be a tab. Scroll down until you see screen.

now it should look something like this. Highlights are lighter. Now you want to blur that layer by going to filter blur and gaussian blur.

Blur it till around a 5 or until you are happy with what you got. so now it should look craptastic like this. hehe.

lower the opacity to about 50 and again until you are happy with what you want it to look like.

there is no step 7. Tada. Let’s compare the original and the new version. You now have a glow to your lights.

Hope this helps!

Man, thats a top tutorial SFMC. Cheers! :tup: It’ll definitely come in handy when I do my next piece. Now I just got to work on doing half decent backgrounds (sigh)

alternatively you can just go to your action list and select “soft edge glow” buuuuuuut you won’t get the level of customization as in MC’s way.

Background help needed

I’m drawing a small SF comic and I want to have the same background in each shot.

II want it to be Japanese cafe scene in one point Perspective. But i’m completely stumped. I’ve looked a reference pictures and tryed to build it all in one point and I can’t get the seats and people right. This is the foregrond and each panel will be these sizes.

Anyone got some good tips for crowd scenes and easy backgrounds. Any help would be great.

Just to put it here…

Here’s a list of almost everything in my “Drawing Tuts” favorite folder, except for sites which are down or not that good…

i´m looking for tips or/and tutorials abot typography and sfx

what kind of bg help are you looking for? if you have some ref pix, PM me a link and I’ll help what I can.

I don’t think a tut on the web would do typography justice. Try hitting up a library and reading up on it… It’s one of those things you have to dig in and experience first hand to make mistakes on your own. Generally it’s developing a sensitivity for letterforms and the space around them.

Thanks heaps for the offer Rook. I can’t seem to find any photos anywhere with the right angle. I might borrow my friends Digital Camera and find the images myself. It’s been driving me crazy for weeks.

There doesn’t seem to be any tutorials on quick and easy Backgrounds on the net. The best help so far though is that book “Perspective! for Comic Book Artists”

If I get get the magical skills to be able to do backgrounds, man, I’m going to to post up a tutorial somewhere.