do you guys use negative edge here (hold the strong and release after motion)? I can’t seem to get it, either i try to move to the strong too fast and ill have a jab->short->gj on my hands which is useless. Can i start doing the qcf motions during the other parts of the combo? I’ve been playing for a while now and always kind of ignored the jab/short/strong -> genei-jin because it was too difficult, but the damage is just too good. any help would be appreciated
Jab -> Short -> Strong -> QCF, QCF+P.
Simple. Just as it’s written.
Slow your chain combo the fuck down, and you won’t skip the strong. Despite thoughts to the contrary, combos don’t need to be put in at lightning speed.
It’s not that hard at all. I think the chain directly into SAIII is a little easier than doing chainxxlp shoulderxxSAIII.
I tried neg edge but it just wasn’t consistent. And yes, you can start the qcf’s in the middle of 123. It took me forever to get it but I got to the point where somewhere between 2 and 3 I’m starting my qcf’s. You’re lk and mp frames will keep you locked into a standing position and won’t fuck up your 123 opener.
I’d agree with you for someone starting off to throw lp shoulder because I personally think it’s easier to do but the damage reduction is horrible so it’s best to lose the habit as fast as you can.